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Classroom Technology

DePaul offers various types of Technology Equipped Classrooms which vary based on college needs and instruction type. Below are details regarding rooms that Information Services supports.

  • Traditional classrooms: For in-person instruction, these classrooms offer access to a desktop computer, LCD projector, laptop connectivity, and an audio amplifier. These rooms do not include technology for videoconferencing or recording of class meetings.
  • Zoom-enabled ("Flex") Classrooms: These rooms are equipped with Zoom hardware and software to offer a flexible learning environment that allows students to be on campus and connect via Zoom. Learn more about Flex classroom features.

Technology Orientation

New to using a technology-enabled classroom or just need a refresher on how to use classroom equipment? Information Services' Classroom Technology Support offers one-on-one and group classroom technology orientations throughout the year. We will walk through how to turn on and use the equipment effectively during classes and presentations. Submit a request by contacting the Help Desk at 312-362-8765. When our Classroom Technology group receives the service request, they will contact you to coordinate the orientation.

Additional Technology

If you have additional technology needs in the classroom, use the Technology Request Form to request equipment to be delivered and setup prior to your class meeting time. Please submit all requests at least 24 hours in advance.

Classroom Emergency Hotline

If you experience problems with the classroom technology during your class, press the Classroom Technology Hotline button on the phone next to the podium (or dial extension 2-5900) to speak with a support specialist.