ABCD Institute > Institute Faculty > Active Faculty > Rachel Cleaves Dahlke

Rachel Cleaves Dahlke

  • Local Economic Development, Neighborhood and Community Development
  • Active Faculty
  • Greenwood Village, CO
Rachel Cleaves Dahlke has eleven years’ experience in community development, organizational leadership, grant writing and communications in the US, Africa, and Latin America. She is skilled at facilitating authentic community engagement and leadership through Asset-Based Community Development. As the Executive Director of Westwood Unidos, Dahlke founded an ABCD movement in one of the most under-served areas of Denver, Colorado. Westwood Unidos utilized community organizers hired from the community to take community-led action that resulted in new parks and park design, new bus service, a youth-led bicycle library, the transformation of blighted areas and abandoned buildings into community gathering spaces, a new recreation center, and a new community center.  

Dahlke is experienced at creating participatory budgets, fundraising, securing community support, and communicating through media and stakeholder relations. She is an engaging speaker in English and Spanish, with years’ of experience training and coaching through experiential workshops for diverse audience.​