ABCD Institute > Institute Faculty > Active Faculty > Sandra Jones Mitchell

Sandra Jones Mitchell

Sandra M. Jones Mitchell is a professional advocate for senior citizens. In 1975 her first job was preparing hot meals for senior citizens. Then on to Cincinnati Veteran’s Hospital again, assisting the elderly. In 1986, she worked in an Avondale nursing home as an Activity Coordinator. In 1988 Sandra began her career with Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services, where she continues assisting individuals with disabilities stay connected to the community.

In 1993, she co-founded Serving Older Adults through Changing Times (SO-ACT) along with the late Sandra L. Massey. SO-ACT is a 501C-3 non-profit organization created to serve and advocate for older adults independence.

The love and passion for older adults had a major impact on her returning to, The College of Mount Saint Joseph to earn a bachelor in Gerontology in 2003. Avondale has the second largest senior population in Cincinnati. Sandra is a tireless advocate on behalf of our seniors and believes our elders are essential and vital members of our community. It is our duty to honor the wisdom of our elders, respect their life experiences and treat them as community gems. Sandra has been a member of the Avondale Council since her teenage years and has served on the board as a Trustee for over15 non-consecutive years. Sandra has also served on numerous other boards and volunteer opportunities along with being an active member of Corinthian Baptist Church and wife to Robert L. Mitchell.​ ​