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Highlights from the 2015 ABCD Festival in Blackpool, UK

The ABCD Festival drew people from all over the world. 180 people from 21 countries gathered to learn, celebrate and connect with fellow ABCD practitioners. The June 2015 ABCD Festival was held in Blackpool, UK.

ABCD Festival 2015 banner

The Festival presented those who attended with an opportunity to hear from practitioners, local residents and fellow ABCD enthusiasts from around the world about their community building efforts.

Festival co-hosts:

ABCD Institute
ABCD Europe
Coady International Institute
ABCD in Action
ABCD Asia Pacific
Bank of I.D.E.A.S

ABCD Festival 2015 attendees

Links to a few of the highlights:

Video: Keynote speech,"'Looking Inside Out: Our Way Is the Community Way," by ABCD faculty member and head of ABCD Europe, Cormac Russell

Video: John McKnight's keynote speech "What I Have Learned So Far," the history, practice and future of ABCD

Audio: Jody Kretzmann on "Reading the Tea Leaves"

Video: Cormac Russell book Launch of "Looking Back to Looking Forward: in conversation with John McKnight," the heritage of ABCD and its place in the world today.

Video: Faculty member Peter Kenyon’s talk "Rural Development around the World Through the Lens of ABCD"​