ABCD Institute > Publications > Publications and Learnings > A Practitioner’s Guide to Connecting Residents at the Block Level

A Practitioner’s Guide to Connecting Residents at the Block Level

Over three virtual learning sessions recorded in August-September 2020, ABCD practitioners Howard Lawrence, Karen Wilk and Penny Tucker shared their experience of developing and implementing a block and neighborhood-scale connecting initiative in the city of Alberta, Canada. This organizing effort is called the Abundant Community Initiative and is described in more detail in the ABCD publication Asset Based Neighborhood Organizing: The Method of the Abundant Community Initiative in Edmonton, Canada

This video publication comes in three chapters. Each may be played independently.

Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Developing Abundant Community Edmonton from block-level to city-wideHoward Lawrence shares the rationale behind the initiative, how it has developed across the City of Edmonton, and how block connecting, after several years of development across many neighborhoods, is now impacting government practices and the culture of the city.

Howard, Karen Wilkes and Penny Tucker describe the practice and culture of block connecting and tell stories of its impact in their Edmonton neighborhoods.

Howard, Karen and Penny describe in greater detail the one-on-one conversation approach central to the Abundant Community Edmonton’s block connecting process.