The #DePaul in the NEWS weekly e-newsletter has a new design. Check the news on your phone, turn on the TV or radio, or open
a newspaper in Chicago and chances are a DePaul University expert will be providing
insight or commentary on the news of the day. Each week, the #DePaul in the NEWS
e-newsletter highlights some of the top news coverage of DePaul faculty, staff
and students.
In the summer of 2017, the DePaul Newsroom staff reviewed
reader feedback from a spring survey and refreshed our e-news. Changes
- Larger text and a mobile-responsive design to
facilitate reading on mobile devices and tablets.
- Names of DePaul experts are now in bold to help
readers see who is featured.
- “News you might have missed” links to even more
news from the DePaul Newsroom.
Wonder how stories end up in the newsletter? While the
Office of Public Relations and Communications monitors the news daily for coverage
of DePaul, we also receive emails from the DePaul community with information
about interviews and links to stories, op-eds and broadcast videos. The staff
selects some of the top hits to post on the DePaul Newsroom Facebook and Twitter accounts and in the
newsletter. Have a story to submit for consideration? Email the DePaul Newsroom
staff at
An archive of #DePaul in the NEWS stories is available on Newsline. Not on
the list yet? Sign
up for #DePaul in the NEWS.