Faculty experts can discuss strategies for teachers and parents of children with autism, as well as ways that theatre and mass media are becoming more inclusive for people with autism. (iStock.com/Weekend Images Inc.)CHICAGO — Advances in education and the
arts are changing the lives of people with autism, and DePaul University
experts are available to discuss their research on accessibility and care. Scholars
can discuss designing theatre performances for people with autism, advances in
special education, media representation of autism and other disabilities, and communication
methods for adults and children with autism and their parents. Available experts include:
Linsey Sabielny,
Assistant Professor of Special Education, College of Education. Sabielny
is an expert on instructional strategies and assessments of students with significant intellectual, physical
and multiple disabilities, including those with autism. Sabielny is working
in collaboration with The Theatre School at DePaul University to design a
sensory-friendly performance of “Cinderella: The Remix” this spring. She can discuss
community involvement and how to make theatre performances accessible to those
with autism.
“The aim for sensory friendly
performances is for the performance to be as close to the original as possible,
with only slight variations that make the audience more prepared and
comfortable,” said Sabielny. “The ultimate goal of a sensory friendly
performance is for individuals with sensory needs and their families to feel
understood and accepted and to enjoy a wonderful theatre performance in a
welcoming environment.”
Changes to the performance may include
lighting, for instance keeping dim house lights on throughout the performance,
or changing the direction of a particularly bright light, explained Sabielny. “Any
sound or physical accommodations will usually involve changing the volume slightly
or decreasing the likelihood of startle or surprise effects such as sudden loud
noises or actors moving up and down the aisles,” she said. Sabielny can be
reached at 773-325-2895 or lsabieln@depaul.edu.
Paul Zionts, Dean of the College of Education. Zionts is an expert on educating children with emotional
and behavioral disorders, and cognitive behavioral interventions. Zionts can
discuss ways for parents and educators to engage children with autism.
“Parents of children with autism have the job of a parent
doubled, and they are so busy that they are not expected to know everything,”
Zionts said. “In special education programs our job is to help parents of
children with autism create an environment where the child can be as successful
as possible.” Zionts can discuss Individualized Education Programs and how
parents can work with educators to set goals for their children.
“There are a million different ways to learn more about your
child, and it’s not that different than having a normally developing child,
except that you have to be more attentive,” said Zionts. He can be reached at 773-325-7581 or pzionts@depaul.edu.
Mojdeh Bayat, Associate Professor of Early Childhood
Education, College of Education. Bayat
is an internationally renowned expert on the education of children with
developmental disorders. She can discuss innovative ways for parents and
educators to facilitate communication for children with autism through a
four-tiered approach. She can also detail her research of children with autism
in West Africa.
“In my
work with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), I consider families of
the children as partners with educators,” Bayat said. She advises that teachers
work closely with parents and use a multi-tiered approach to facilitate better
communication for children with autism. This includes addressing the child’s
maladaptive behaviors through behavioral methods; teaching social, communication,
functional, and academic skills to the child through sensory integration-based
activities; having special weekly
sessions that promote the emotional health of the child; and body-mind
programs, which consists of physical activity followed by mindful practices.
Bayat can be reached at 773-325-1687 or at mbayat@depaul.edu.
Eva Patrikakou, Associate
Professor of Special Education, College of Education. Patrikakou is an internationally renowned expert on parent involvement and collaboration for children with and
without disabilities. She also specializes in Response to Intervention, a
method of identifying children with learning and behavior needs. She can discuss
how parental involvement affects children’s academic, social, and emotional
development. “Autism and other developmental disabilities are diagnosed prior
to the child going to school, compared to other types of disabilities such as learning
disabilities, so families have already covered a lot of distance trying to get
their child appropriate supports,” Patrikakou said.
“It’s critical to have continuity between school and home interventions, so
that students with autism can work on communication and behavior issues across
settings. Providing students with various types of communication in the
classroom, both low- or high-technology, and also working with parents to use
them at home can have a significant positive impact on the development of
communication skills. The key to having a successful intervention is an ongoing
specific and explicit communication and collaboration between home and school,
as well as amongst school personnel involved in each case.” Patrikakou’s most
recently published article is “Parent Involvement, Media, and Technology: Now
What?” which details how parents and schools can further use media and technology
to aid children with autism. She can be reached at 773-325-2072 or epatrika@depaul.edu.
Veronica Appleton, Adjunct
Faculty, Communication and Media, and Intercultural Communication, College of
Communication. Appleton
is a multicultural children’s book author and an expert on health communication
and organizational learning. She can discuss representations of autism and
disability in the media, including the character of Julia, the first Muppet with
autism on “Sesame Street.” “Media serves a
larger purpose than just entertainment,” said Appleton. “Media can provide children
and their families an opportunity to really develop and grow through images
that reflect who they truly are.”
offers the following advice: “For parents it’s really important to develop a
strong relationship with your child. Create a community of support around your
child whether it is other family members, friends, teachers or others. They
deserve the opportunity to really develop themselves as a human being.”
Appleton can be reached at vappleto@depaul.edu.
Maureen Ryan, Adjunct
Faculty, Media and Cinema Studies, College of Communication. Ryan is an expert on
representation in media and film history. “Historically
there have been so few representations of people with autism in television that
it's been left out of media discussions of childhood, learning, and disability
altogether,” Ryan said. “Because of that, there is a lot of confusion and
mystery surrounding autism and how it affects people. Television hasn't done
much to dispel that until very recently.”
regards to the character of Julia, the new “Sesame Street” Muppet who has
autism, Ryan said, “I'm hopeful that this new character will help reduce the
stigma of autism in our society, especially for parents and children who do not
have autism and don't really understand what it means to have autism. ‘Sesame
Street’ is making Julia part of the community and explaining in a friendly way
what it's like to have autism, and how you can better relate to people who have
it.” Ryan can be reached at mryan58@depaul.edu.
Media Contact:
Claes Mathews