Business Law Clinic meeting in 2019 (Photo by FJ GAYLOR Photography)CHICAGO — Innovative, interdisciplinary programs that prepare students for professional careers are central to a DePaul University education. DePaul College of Law alumnus Marc Lieberman (JD ’83) and his wife, Cindy, are strengthening that mission with a $1.6 million legacy gift through their estate plan.
The gift creates the Marc and Cindy Lieberman Fund for Excellence in Business Law at
DePaul’s College of Law. The endowed fund will provide support for College of Law faculty members working on new projects, curricula and programming that strengthen the partnership between the College of Law and the
Driehaus College of Business. One or more awards from the fund will be made on an annual basis through a competitive application process, with a preference for interdisciplinary projects that focus on private equity or institutional investing.
“Mark and Cindy’s generosity expands ongoing curricular initiatives and makes possible new interdisciplinary courses, as well as cutting-edge partnerships with industry leaders,” said DePaul President Robert L. Manuel. “I’m grateful to them for supporting interdisciplinary research and learning, which are at the heart of our efforts to transform DePaul into a national leader in higher education.”
Marc and Cindy Lieberman (Courtesy of the Lieberman Family)
The gift also may support a practitioner-in-residence program that will bring inspiring lawyers to campus to share insights and expertise on business law with students, faculty and the DePaul community.
Business Law is the College of Law’s fastest growing program. Students can choose to complete a Certificate in Business Law, participate in an exemplary experiential learning opportunity through the college’s Business Law Clinic, or pursue joint degrees including a JD/MBA and JD/Master in International and European Business Law.
“Integrated knowledge of law and business are essential to succeed in the firms and industries students will navigate after graduation,” said College of Law Dean Jennifer Rosato Perea. “We are immensely grateful to Marc and Cindy for helping our faculty and students build innovative collaborations that reflect the realities of practice.”
Marc Lieberman has expertise in several business law specializations. The DePaul law graduate is a partner with Kutak Rock, a national law firm serving commercial and governmental clients in business and corporate, public finance, litigation and real estate law. He also serves as chair of the firm’s Institutional Investments Group.
“The sky is the limit with the experience, skill and resources DePaul’s faculty bring to the table,” said Lieberman, who has also given back to DePaul with his wife through the Fund for Law and the Law Scholarship Fund. “My own DePaul education also benefited from immensely knowledgeable professors who gave me the multifaceted tool kit I needed to succeed in my practice. Cindy and I are thrilled and honored to help today’s faculty further innovate to give students a transformative education that advances our profession.”
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