Customize the text to explain that AI usage is not permitted in your course. In the next step, you will be prompted to explain why.
(input-box:"X",8,"Please refrain from using generative AI in this course for any purpose.")
[[Add this text to my draft and proceed.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Customize the text to explain that AI usage is not permitted in your course. In the next step, you will be prompted to explain why.
(set: _edits to "Please refrain from using generative AI in this course for any purpose.")
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
(link: 'Add this text to my draft and proceed.')[(set: $Policy's 2nd to _edits)(go-to: 'Add this text to my draft and proceed.')]Consider explaining why AI usage is premitted in your course within specific parameters. You might reference the role generative AI tools are playing in your discpline or the ways you're using AI to support your work.
[[Skip this step.]]
[[Save my explanation.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Consider explaining why AI usage is permitted in your course within specific parameters. You might reference the role generative AI tools are playing in your discpline or the ways you're using AI to support your work.
(set: _edits to '')
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
(link: 'Skip this step.')[(set: $Policy's 2nd to '')(go-to: 'Skip this step.')]
(link: 'Save my explanation.')[(set: $Policy's 2nd to _edits)(go-to: 'Save my explanation.')]Customize the text below. Consider listing the generative AI tools that are most appropriate for your discipline or field.
(input-box:"X",8,"Students are allowed to use generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, or DALL-E, for all assignments in this course. ")
[[Save and continue.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Customize the text below. Consider listing the generative AI tools that are most appropriate for your discipline or field.
(set: _edits to "Students are allowed to use generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, or DALL-E, for all assignments in this course. ")
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
(link: 'Save and continue.')[(set: $Policy's 2nd to _edits)(go-to: 'Save and continue.')]You might address the role generative AI tools play in your field and the ways you are using generative AI tools to support your own work.
(input-box:"X",8,"I am using generative AI tools to do the following:")
[[Add and continue.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
You might address the role generative AI tools play in your field and the ways you are using generative AI tools to support your own work.
(set: _edits to "I am using generative AI tools to do the following:")
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
(link: 'Add and continue.')[(set: $Policy's 3rd to _edits)(go-to: 'Add and continue.')]Provide some guidelines for how students should cite generative AI or describe the way they have used generative AI.
Customize the text below to fit your discipline and course. Some faculty ask students to include a brief description of how the tool was used.
(input-box:"X",8,"Students must document and credit AI tools. For example, paraphrased text generated using ChatGPT should include a citation according to APA, MLA, or Chicago Style generative AI citation guidelines. Attempting to pass off AI-generated work as your own will violate DePaul’s Academic Integrity Policy.")
In your syllabus, consider adding a direct link to the appropriate citation guidelines and DePaul's Academic Integrity Policy.
[[Save citation requirements and continue.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Provide some guidelines for how students should cite generative AI or describe the way they have used generative AI.
Customize the text below to fit your discipline and course. Some faculty ask students to include a brief description of how the tool was used.
(set: _edits to "Students must document and credit AI tools. For example, paraphrased text generated using ChatGPT should include a citation according to APA, MLA, or Chicago Style generative AI citation guidelines. Attempting to pass off AI-generated work as your own will violate DePaul’s Academic Integrity Policy.")
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
In your syllabus, consider adding a direct link to the appropriate citation guidelines and DePaul's Academic Integrity Policy.
(link: 'Save citation requirements and continue.')[(set: $Policy's 4th to _edits)(go-to: 'Save citation requirements and continue.')]Describe the ways in which students are permitted to use AI for those assignments.
(input-box:"X",8,"The use of generative AI tools is permitted in this course for the following activities:")
Here are some examples:
* Brainstorming ideas
* Fine tuning your research questions
* Exploring what you need to learn about your topics
* Drafting outlines
* Checking grammar
For your course work, we will treat AI-based assistance, such as the use of ChatGPT and Google Gemini, the same way we treat collaboration with other people: you are welcome to talk about your ideas and work with other people, both inside and outside the class, as well as with AI-based tools. Avoid hitting “Copy” within your conversation with an AI tool. Do not have your assignment and the AI tool open at the same time to limit the urge to copy the responses. Use your conversation with the AI as a learning experience, then close the interaction down, open your assignment, and let your assignment reflect your revised knowledge.
[[Save and add a list of ways students are prohibited from using AI tools.]]
[[Save and move to describing academic intregrity.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Describe the ways in which students are permitted to use AI for those assignments.
(set: _edits to "The use of generative AI tools is permitted in this course for the following activities:")
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
Here are some examples:
* Brainstorming ideas
* Fine tuning your research questions
* Exploring what you need to learn about your topics
* Drafting outlines
* Checking grammar
For your course work, we will treat AI-based assistance, such as the use of ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot, the same way we treat collaboration with other people: you are welcome to talk about your ideas and work with other people, both inside and outside the class, as well as with AI-based tools. Avoid hitting “Copy” within your conversation with an AI tool. Do not have your assignment and the AI tool open at the same time to limit the urge to copy the responses. Use your conversation with the AI as a learning experience, then close the interaction down, open your assignment, and let your assignment reflect your revised knowledge.
(link: 'Save and add a list of ways students are prohibited from using AI tools.')[(set: $Policy's 4th to _edits)(go-to: 'Save and add a list of ways students are prohibited from using AI tools.')]
(link: 'Save and move to describing academic intregrity.')[(set: $Policy's 4th to _edits)(go-to: 'Save and move to describing academic intregrity.')]Provide some guidelines for how students should cite generative AI or describe the way they have used generative AI.
Customize the text below to fit your discipline and course. Some faculty ask students to include a brief description of how the tool was used.
(input-box:"X",8,"Students must document and credit AI tools. For example, paraphrased text generated using ChatGPT should include a citation according to APA, MLA, or Chicago Style generative AI citation guidelines. Attempting to pass off AI-generated work as your own will violate DePaul’s Academic Integrity Policy.")
In your syllabus, consider adding a direct link to the appropriate citation guidelines.
[[Save citation requirements and continue.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Provide some guidelines for how students should cite generative AI or describe the way they have used generative AI.
Customize the text below to fit your discipline and course. Some faculty ask students to include a brief description of how the tool was used.
(set: _edits to "Students must document and credit AI tools. For example, paraphrased text generated using ChatGPT should include a citation according to APA, MLA, or Chicago Style generative AI citation guidelines. Attempting to pass off AI-generated work as your own will violate DePaul’s Academic Integrity Policy.")
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
In your syllabus, consider adding a direct link to the appropriate citation guidelines.
(link: 'Save citation requirements and continue.')[(set: $Policy's 6th to _edits)(go-to: 'Save citation requirements and continue.')]Consider providing students with an explanation for why generative AI use is not appropriate in your course. You might note your concerns about the impact generative AI tools could have on the students’ learning experience or the ethical concerns related to the use of AI.
Customize the text below.
(input-box:"X",8, "We will be developing skills that are important to practice on your own, and using generative AI may inhibit development, practice, or understanding of those skills. During class, we will discuss how and why generative AI may disrupt your learning. This policy is also in place to avoid the propagation of biases and inaccuracies that AI can sometimes generate, ensuring that your learning is based on accurate and unbiased information.
[[Save addition and proceed.]]
[[I do not want to add an explanation.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Consider providing students with an explanation for why generative AI use is not appropriate in your course. You might note your concerns about the impact generative AI tools could have on the students’ learning experience or the ethical concerns related to the use of AI.
Customize the text below.
(set: _edits to "We will be developing skills that are important to practice on your own, and using generative AI may inhibit development, practice, or understanding of those skills. During class, we will discuss how and why generative AI may disrupt your learning. This policy is also in place to avoid the propagation of biases and inaccuracies that AI can sometimes generate, ensuring that your learning is based on accurate and unbiased information.
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
(link: 'Save addition and proceed.')[(set: $Policy's 3rd to _edits)(go-to: 'Save addition and proceed.')]
(link: 'I do not want to add an explanation.')[(set: $Policy's 3rd to '')(go-to: 'I do not want to add an explanation.')]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Since you want students to document their use of generative AI tools in your course, I recommend that you append the following text to your draft statement:
(set: _edits to "If you do use generative AI tools on assignments in this class, you must properly document and credit the tools themselves. Cite the tool you used, following the pattern for computer software given in the specified style guide.")(input-box: bind _edits, "=XXXXXXXX=", 3, _edits)
All modern style guides include formats for citing computer software.
(link: "Add this text to my statement and proceed.")[(set: $Policy's 3rd to _edits)(go-to: "Method Branch")]
(link: "I want to reconsider the permissions I’m granting to students.")[(set: $Policy's 3rd to "")(go-to: "Permissions Branch")]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Do you want students to document their use of generative AI tools on assignments in your course?
(link: "I want students to document their use of generative AI tools in my course.")[(go-to: "Citations")]
(link: "I don’t think it’s necessary for students to document their use of generative AI tools in my course.")[(go-to: "Method Branch")]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
We’re almost done drafting your syllabus statement, but we also need to consider the ramifications of student misuse, whether intentional or unintentional, of generative AI tools. (if: $Policy's 2nd contains "see fit")[Even under your very permissive policy, students may blunder into plagiarism if they do not understand their tools or assess the tools’ output very well.](else:)[Since you are limiting students’ use of generative AI tools to some degree, unauthorized use of such tools would constitute an academic integrity violation.] This needs to be disclosed to students in the syllabus so that there are no unpleasant surprises (either for you or for the students) later on.
(set: _edits to "")\
(if: $Policy's 2nd contains "see fit")\
[(set: _edits to "Although you have wide latitude to determine how you use generative AI tools in this course, you must be wary of ")]\
[(set: _edits to "If you use generative AI tools to complete assignments in this course, in ways that I have not explicitly authorized, I will apply the Seaver College Code of Academic Integrity as appropriate to your specific case. In addition, you must be wary of ")]\
(set: _edits to _edits + "unintentional plagiarism or fabrication of data")\
(if: $Policy's 4th is "")\
[(set: _edits to _edits + " (generative AI tools are prone to both)")]\
(set: _edits to _edits + ". Depending on the specific circumstances, a first offense academic integrity violation related to misuse of generative AI could range anywhere from Level 1 to Level 3 under the Code of Academic Integrity. Repeated offenses could raise the violation to Level 4. Please act with integrity, for the sake of both your personal character and your academic record.")\
(input-box: bind _edits, "=XXXXXXXX=", 8, _edits)
(link: "Add this cautionary language to my statement and proceed.")[(set: $Policy's 6th to _edits)(go-to: "Final")]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Even though you’re (if: $Policy's 2nd contains "not")[not ]permitting students to use generative AI tools, you may want to let students know about some of the limitations and risks associated with such tools(if: $Policy's 2nd contains "not")[ anyway]. I recommend the following language:
(set: _edits to "")\
(unless: $Policy's 2nd contains "not")\
[(set: _edits to "If you choose to use generative AI tools, ")](else:)[(set: _edits to "If you choose to use generative AI tools in violation of this policy (or in another class that permits them), ")](set: _edits to _edits + "please remember that they are typically trained on limited datasets that may be out of date. Additionally, generative AI datasets are trained on pre-existing material, including copyrighted material; therefore, relying on a generative AI tool may result in plagiarism or copyright violations. Finally, keep in mind that the goal of generative AI tools is to produce content that seems to have been produced by a human, not to produce accurate or reliable content; therefore, relying on a generative AI tool may result in your submission of inaccurate content. It is your responsibility—not the tool’s—to assure the quality, integrity, and accuracy of work you submit in any college course.")(input-box: bind _edits, "=XXXXXXXX=", 8, _edits)
(text-color: red)[**N.B.**] I will suggest some language related to the academic integrity process momentarily. For right now let’s focus on risks inherent in the tools themselves, rather than institutional consequences for misuse.
(link: "Add this cautionary language to my statement and proceed.")[(set: $Policy's 4th to _edits)(go-to: "Turnitin Branch")]
(link: "I don’t find this language necessary.")[(set: $Policy's 4th to "")(go-to: "Turnitin Branch")]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//''(joined: " ", ...$Policy)''//]
You have indicated that you plan to use Turnitin for its ordinary plagiarism/unoriginality detection functions, but Turnitin can also try to detect AI-generated text. Turnitin claims a very low false positive rate, but there’s a lot of skepticism around this claim. //In addition to the standard Turnitin policy, which you should include separately in your syllabus//, I recommend adding the following text to your generative AI statement:
(set: _edits to "As specified elsewhere in the syllabus, this course may require electronic submission of essays, papers, or other written projects through the originality assessment service Turnitin. Turnitin will also attempt to detect AI-generated text.")(input-box: bind _edits, "=XXXXXXXX=", 8, _edits)
(link: "Add this notice to my statement and proceed.")[(set: $Policy's 5th to _edits)(go-to: "Disclose AIC")]
(link: "Let’s skip this Turnitin notice and go on to the next step.")[(set: $Policy's 5th to "")(go-to: "Disclose AIC")]Here’s your completed draft statement:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Copy the text into whatever program you use to edit your syllabus, and customize it to fit your needs. The text is hereby placed into the public domain so that you don’t have to worry about citing this tool … but disclosing its use to your students would set a good example for them to follow.<h1>Generative AI Syllabus Statement Tool (Seaver College)</h1>
Generative artificial intelligence tools — software that creates new text, images, computer code, audio, video, and other content by following patterns learned from large datasets — burst into international attention in November 2022 when <a href="">OpenAI</a> made its generative text tool ChatGPT widely available to the public. The availability and capability of such tools continue to accelerate rapidly. Recognizing that individual faculty members will have different attitudes toward the use of such tools, the Office of the Dean of Seaver College has chosen to maximize faculty discretion on a course-by-course basis. The Dean’s Office strongly recommends that every course syllabus include an explicit statement regarding the use of generative AI tools in that course.
Accordingly, I’m here to help you construct a draft statement for your own syllabus. To be clear, I am not powered by generative AI. I’m just an interactive decision tree written^^1^^ in a conversational style to mimic a chatbot.
If you’d like a primer on generative AI tools before you start drafting your syllabus statement with me, please <a href="" target="_new">watch this recorded webinar</a> presented by TechLearn, featuring Jordan Lott (TechLearn staff), Chris Heard (Seaver College faculty), John Buckingham (PGBS staff), and Jennifer Miyake-Trapp and Elias Saade (GSEP faculty).
[[Okay, let’s start building my syllabus statement.->Intro]]
|credits>[^^1^^ Written by Chris Heard, Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence from May 2017 to June 2023. You can think of this tool as an asynchronous preprogrammed conversation with Chris if you like.]
(change: ?credits, (size: .75)+(color: gray))
(set: $Policy to (a:
))<!-- 1st Intro,
2nd general permissions,
3rd citations,
4th risks,
5th Turnitin,
6th AIC -->
(set: $PermissionTypes to (dm:
"noAI", "You may not use generative AI tools on assignments in this course.",
"someAI", "You may use generative AI tools on assignments in this course, with the following limitations.",
"allAI", "You may use generative AI tools for work in this course however you see fit."
}Since generative AI usage isn’t appropriate in your course, note the steps you will take if you suspect a student has used an AI tool.
Add to the description below.
(input-box:"X",8,"If you’re unsure if a specific tool makes use of AI, or if a specific tool is permitted for use on assignments in this course, please contact me. Attempting to pass off AI-generated work as your own will violate DePaul’s Academic Integrity Policy.")
[[Save and review draft.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Since generative AI usage isn’t appropriate in your course, note the steps you will take if you suspect a student has used an AI tool.
Add to the description below.
(set: _edits to "If you’re unsure if a specific tool makes use of AI, or if a specific tool is permitted for use on assignments in this course, please contact me. Attempting to pass off AI-generated work as your own will violate DePaul’s Academic Integrity Policy.")
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
(link: 'Save and review draft.')[(set: $Policy's 4th to _edits)(go-to: 'Save and review draft.')]I recommend that you begin your syllabus statement with a brief introduction explaining what kind of tools you’re discussing in this policy. My suggested statement is in the box below. You can use it “as is” or edit it in the box below. (Of course, you’ll have full control over the compiled draft statement as well.) If you wish, you can delete this language altogether, but I don’t recommend it. Omitting a brief definition might generate confusion later on and give students grounds to claim your policy was unclear. (set: _edits to "Generative artificial intelligence tools—software that creates new text, images, computer code, audio, video, and other content—have become widely available. Well-known examples include ChatGPT for text and DALL•E for images. This policy governs all such tools, including those released during our semester together.")
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 5, _edits)
(link: 'Save this introduction and proceed.')[(set: $Policy's 1st to _edits)(go-to: 'Permissions Branch')]Okay, I suggest adding the following text to your draft statement:
(set: _edits to "You may use generative AI tools on assignments in this course, within the following limitations.")(input-box: bind _edits, "=XXXXXXXX=", 3, _edits)
I know this seems very bare-bones. Don’t try to add in specific limitations right now. I’ll prompt you consider some of the most common limitations momentarily.
(link: "Add this text to my statement and proceed.")[(set: $Policy's 2nd to _edits)(go-to: "Prior Permission Branch")]
(link: "I want to reconsider the permissions I’m granting to students.")[(set: $Policy's 2nd to "")(go-to: "Permissions Branch")]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Since you want students to explain how they used generative AI tools in your course, I recommend that you append the following text to your draft statement:
(set: _edits to "")(if: $Policy's 3rd is "")[(set: _edits to "If you do use generative AI tools on assignments in this class")](else:)[(set: _edits to "Additionally")](set: _edits to _edits + ", please include a brief description of how you used the tool.")(input-box: bind _edits, "=XXXXXXXX=", 4, _edits)
You might want to add either or both of the following:
* A parenthetical specificiation of how long “brief” is.
* Where students should put this explanation (e.g., in a footnote or appendix).
You might also prefer to provide those specifications along with the other instructions and parameters for any given assignment.
(link: "Add this text to my statement and proceed.")[(set: $Policy's 3rd to $Policy's 3rd + " " +_edits)(go-to: "Disclose Limitations")]
(link: "I want to reconsider the permissions I’m granting to students.")[(go-to: "Permissions Branch")]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
When students use generative AI tools on assignments in your course, do you want them to include a description of how they used the tool?
(link: "I want students to explain how they used the tool.")[(go-to: "Method")]
(link: "I don’t think it’s necessary for students to explain how they used the tool.")[(go-to: "Disclose Limitations")]It’s helpful to begin by providing some definitions for students: What are generative AI tools? Are there some examples that students might have heard of?
We’ve provided some starting text below. You can use this draft “as is,” or you can edit it to fit your needs.
(input-box:"X",8,"Generative AI tools are trained on existing texts, algorithms, and models to generate content like writing, images, and videos based on prompts from users. Open AI's ChatGPT and DALL-E, Microsoft's Copilot, Google's Genesis, and Midjourney are examples of generative AI tools.")
[[Save and proceed.]]It’s helpful to begin by providing some definitions for students: What are generative AI tools? Are there some examples that students might have heard of?
We’ve provided some starting text below. You can use this draft “as is,” or you can edit it to fit your needs.
(set: _edits to "Generative AI tools are trained on existing texts, algorithms, and models to generate content like writing, images, and videos based on prompts from users. Open AI's ChatGPT and DALL-E, Microsoft's Copilot, Google's Genesis, and Midjourney are examples of generative AI tools.")
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
(link: 'Save and proceed.')[(set: $Policy's 1st to _edits)(go-to: 'Save and proceed.')]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
For the next part of the statement, I need to know how you want students to interact with generative AI tools in the context of your course. Which of the following statements gets closest to your preference?
(link-goto: "I don’t want students to use generative AI for assignments in my course.", "Prohibited")
(link: 'It’s okay with me for students to use generative AI within limits that I specify.')[(go-to: 'Limited')]
(link: 'I’m happy for students to use generative AI for assignments in my course however they wish.')[(go-to: 'Unrestricted')]
(link: 'I want to require generative AI for some of the assignments in my course.')[(go-to: 'Required')]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Since you want to specify the assignments on which students may and may not use generative AI tools, I suggest that we edit the permissions statement to read:
(set: _edits to "You may use generative AI tools on assignments in this course when I explicitly permit you to do so. Otherwise, you should refrain from using such tools.")(input-box: bind _edits, "=XXXXXXXX=", 3, _edits)
(link: "Edit my statement and proceed.")[(set: $Policy's 2nd to _edits)(go-to: "Citations Branch")]
(link: "I want to reconsider the permissions I’m granting to students.")[(set: $Policy's 2nd to "")(go-to: "Permissions Branch")]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Now let’s consider some common limitations you might wish to impose.
Do you want students to choose when to use generative AI tools, or do you want to selectively permit use of such tools only on assignments that you specify?
(link: "Students may choose for themselves when to use generative AI tools.")[(go-to: "Citations Branch")]
(link: "I want to specify when students may and may not use generative AI tools.")[(go-to: "Prior Permission")]Okay, I suggest adding the following text to your draft statement:
(set: _edits to "You may not use generative AI tools on assignments in this course.")(input-box: bind _edits, "=XXXXXXXX=", 3, _edits)
I know this seems very bare-bones. In a moment I’ll give you a couple of options for expanding it, particularly with respect to academic integrity.
(link: "Add this text to my statement and proceed.")[(set: $Policy's 2nd to _edits)(go-to: "Disclose Limitations")]
(link: "I want to reconsider the permissions I’m granting to students.")[(set: $Policy's 2nd to "")(go-to: "Permissions Branch")]Okay, I suggest adding the following text to your draft statement:
(set: _edits to "You may use generative AI tools in this course from time to time. In fact, some assignments will require use of such tools.")(input-box: bind _edits, "=XXXXXXXX=", 3, _edits)
I know this seems very bare-bones. I’ll suggest a possible expansion momentarily.
Please note that at the present time, neither Seaver College nor Pepperdine University fund paid subscriptions for student or faculty access to generative AI tools. Please consider carefully whether students will use the tools frequently enough to justify the expense, just as you would weigh the cost of an additional textbook against its usefulness in the class.
(link: "Add this text to my statement and proceed.")[(set: $Policy's 2nd to _edits)(go-to: 'Citations Branch')]
(link: "I want to reconsider the permissions I’m granting to students.")[(go-to: "Permissions Branch")]Explain the steps you will take if you suspect a student has used an AI tool.
(input-box:"X",8,"If you’re unsure if a specific tool makes use of AI, or if a specific tool is permitted for use on assignments in this course, please contact me. Attempting to pass off AI-generated work as your own will violate DePaul’s Academic Integrity Policy.")
[[Save and review draft.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Since generative AI usage isn’t appropriate in your course, note the steps you will take if you suspect a student has used an AI tool.
Add to the description below.
(set: _edits to "If you’re unsure if a specific tool makes use of AI, or if a specific tool is permitted for use on assignments in this course, please contact me. Attempting to pass off AI-generated work as your own will violate DePaul’s Academic Integrity Policy.")
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
(link: 'Save and review draft.')[(set: $Policy's 4th to _edits)(go-to: 'Save and review draft.')]Now describe the ways in which AI use is not permitted.
[[Add this list of prohibited uses.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Now describe the ways in which AI use is not permitted.
(set: _edits to '')
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
(link: 'Add this list of prohibited uses.')[(set: $Policy's 5th to _edits)(go-to: 'Add this list of prohibited uses.')]Would you like to describe the value you see in using generative AI tools? You might address their role in your field and the ways you are using generative AI tools to support your own work.
[[Skip this addition]]
[[Add an explanation.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Would you like to describe the value you see in using generative AI tools? You might address their role in your field and the ways you are using generative AI tools to support your own work.
[[Skip this addition]]
[[Add an explanation.]]Provide some guidelines for how students should cite generative AI or describe the way they have used generative AI.
Customize the text below to fit your discipline and course. Some faculty ask students to include a brief description of how the tool was used.
(input-box:"X",8,"Students must document and credit AI tools. For example, paraphrased text generated using ChatGPT should include a citation according to APA, MLA, or Chicago Style generative AI citation guidelines. Attempting to pass off AI-generated work as your own will violate DePaul’s Academic Integrity Policy.")
In your syllabus, consider adding a direct link to the appropriate citation guidelines.
[[Save citation requirements and continue.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Provide some guidelines for how students should cite generative AI or describe the way they have used generative AI.
Customize the text below to fit your discipline and course. Some faculty ask students to include a brief description of how the tool was used.
(set: _edits to "Students must document and credit AI tools. For example, paraphrased text generated using ChatGPT should include a citation according to APA, MLA, or Chicago Style generative AI citation guidelines. Attempting to pass off AI-generated work as your own will violate DePaul’s Academic Integrity Policy.")
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
In your syllabus, consider adding a direct link to the appropriate citation guidelines.
(link: 'Save citation requirements and continue.')[(set: $Policy's 5th to _edits)(go-to: 'Save citation requirements and continue.')]Describe the ways in which students are permitted to use AI.
(input-box:"X",8,"The use of generative AI tools is permitted in this course for the following activities:")
Here are some examples:
* Brainstorming ideas
* Fine tuning your research questions
* Exploring what you need to learn about your topics
* Drafting outlines
* Checking grammar
For your course work, we will treat AI-based assistance, such as the use of ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot, the same way we treat collaboration with other people: you are welcome to talk about your ideas and work with other people, both inside and outside the class, as well as with AI-based tools. Avoid hitting “Copy” within your conversation with an AI tool. Do not have your assignment and the AI tool open at the same time to limit the urge to copy the responses. Use your conversation with the AI as a learning experience, then close the interaction down, open your assignment, and let your assignment reflect your revised knowledge.
[[Save and add a list of ways students are prohibited from using AI tools.]]
[[Save and move to describing academic intregrity.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Describe the ways in which students are permitted to use AI.
(set: _edits to "The use of generative AI tools is permitted in this course for the following activities:")
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
Here are some examples:
* Brainstorming ideas
* Fine tuning your research questions
* Exploring what you need to learn about your topics
* Drafting outlines
* Checking grammar
For your course work, we will treat AI-based assistance, such as the use of ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot, the same way we treat collaboration with other people: you are welcome to talk about your ideas and work with other people, both inside and outside the class, as well as with AI-based tools. Avoid hitting “Copy” within your conversation with an AI tool. Do not have your assignment and the AI tool open at the same time to limit the urge to copy the responses. Use your conversation with the AI as a learning experience, then close the interaction down, open your assignment, and let your assignment reflect your revised knowledge.
(link: 'Save and add a list of ways students are prohibited from using AI tools.')[(set: $Policy's 4th to _edits)(go-to: 'Save and add a list of ways students are prohibited from using AI tools.')]
(link: 'Save and move to describing academic intregrity.')[(set: $Policy's 4th to _edits)(go-to: 'Save and move to describing academic intregrity.')]Next, we recommend that you set parameters for if/when generative AI usage is permitted in your class. Which of these statements sounds closest to your expectation?
[[AI usage is not permitted in your course.]]
[[AI usage is permitted in specific ways that you’d like to describe.]]
[[AI usage is permitted, and I don’t want to set parameters for how students might use it.]]Next, we recommend that you set parameters for if/when generative AI usage is permitted in your class. Which of these statements sounds closest to your expectation?
[[AI usage is not permitted in your course.]]
[[AI usage is permitted in specific ways that you’d like to describe.]]
[[AI usage is permitted, and you don’t want to set parameters for how students might use it.]]Your generative AI syllabus statement is complete. Review the text below, copy, and paste into your syllabus.Your generative AI syllabus statement is complete. Review the text below, copy, and paste into your syllabus.
Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]Describe the limitations and risks associated with using generative AI tools.
[[Save description and continue.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Describe the limitations and risks associated with using generative AI tools.
(set: _edits to '')
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
(link: 'Save description and continue.')[(set: $Policy's 7th to _edits)(go-to: 'Save description and continue.')]Your generative AI syllabus statement is complete. Review the text below, copy, and paste into your syllabus.Your generative AI syllabus statement is complete. Review the text below, copy, and paste into your syllabus.
Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]Choose the option that best fits your course.
[[Student are permitted to use AI tools for all assignments.]]
[[Students are permitted to use AI tools only for specific assignments.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Choose the option that best fits your course.
[[Student are permitted to use AI tools for all assignments.]]
[[Students are permitted to use AI tools only for specific assignments.]]Provide some guidelines for how students should cite generative AI or describe the way they have used generative AI.
Customize the text below to fit your discipline and course. Some faculty ask students to include a brief description of how the tool was used.
(input-box:"X",8,"Students must document and credit AI tools. For example, paraphrased text generated using ChatGPT should include a citation according to APA, MLA, or Chicago Style generative AI citation guidelines. Attempting to pass off AI-generated work as your own will violate DePaul’s Academic Integrity Policy.")
In your syllabus, consider adding a direct link to the appropriate citation guidelines and DePaul's Academic Integrity Policy.
[[Save citation requirements and continue.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Provide some guidelines for how students should cite generative AI or describe the way they have used generative AI.
Customize the text below to fit your discipline and course. Some faculty ask students to include a brief description of how the tool was used.
(set: _edits to "Students must document and credit AI tools. For example, paraphrased text generated using ChatGPT should include a citation according to APA, MLA, or Chicago Style generative AI citation guidelines. Attempting to pass off AI-generated work as your own will violate DePaul’s Academic Integrity Policy.")
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
In your syllabus, consider adding a direct link to the appropriate citation guidelines and DePaul's Academic Integrity Policy.
(link: 'Save citation requirements and continue.')[(set: $Policy's 4th to _edits)(go-to: 'Save citation requirements and continue.')]Choose the option that best fits your course.
[[Student are permitted to use AI tools for all assignments.]]
[[Students are permitted to use AI tools only for specific assignments.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Choose the option that best fits your course.
[[Student are permitted to use AI tools for all assignments.]]
[[Students are permitted to use AI tools only for specific assignments.]]At DePaul, we’re encouraged to learn more about emerging AI technologies and to help students learn to use them responsibly.
As noted in DePaul's Approach to Artificial Intelligence, “Universities have a special challenge: on the one hand, we need to prepare our students for a world of work in which AI will certainly play a part, but on the other hand, we want our students to understand and practice integrity in the use of any sources, including those generated by Artificial Intelligence.” DePaul faculty and staff have been charged “to create conditions for members of the University community to learn about both the benefits and dangers of AI and act responsibly.”
One part of creating those “conditions of learning” is drafting a syllabus statement that sets the expectations for your course(s). This interactive decision tree will help you compose a syllabus statement that accounts for key considerations for generative AI usage.
[[Okay, let’s start building my syllabus statement.]]At DePaul, we’re encouraged to learn more about emerging AI technologies and to help students learn to use them responsibly.
As noted in DePaul's Approach to Artificial Intelligence, “Universities have a special challenge: on the one hand, we need to prepare our students for a world of work in which AI will certainly play a part, but on the other hand, we want our students to understand and practice integrity in the use of any sources, including those generated by Artificial Intelligence.” DePaul faculty and staff have been charged “to create conditions for members of the University community to learn about both the benefits and dangers of AI and act responsibly.”
One part of creating those “conditions of learning” is drafting a syllabus statement that sets the expectations for your course(s). This interactive decision tree will help you compose a syllabus statement that accounts for key considerations for generative AI usage.
[[Okay, let’s start building my syllabus statement.]]
(set: $Policy to (a:
))<!-- 1st Intro,
2nd general permissions,
3rd citations,
4th risks,
5th Turnitin,
6th AIC,
7th Close-->
}In the next steps, you'll describe the ways students may use tools. Here, consider listing the generative AI tools that fit best with your coursework.
[[Save and move to describing the ways students are permitted to use AI.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
In the next steps, you'll describe the ways students may use tools. Here, consider listing the generative AI tools that fit best with your coursework.
(set: _edits to '')
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
(link: 'Save and move to describing the ways students are permitted to use AI.')[(set: $Policy's 3rd to _edits)(go-to: 'Save and move to describing the ways students are permitted to use AI.')]List or describe the assignments students are permitted to complete with the help of generative AI tools.
[[Add assignment list and continue.]]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
List or describe the assignments students are permitted to complete with the help of generative AI tools.
(set: _edits to '')
(input-box: bind _edits, "X", 8, _edits)
(link: 'Add assignment list and continue.')[(set: $Policy's 3rd to _edits)(go-to: 'Add assignment list and continue.')]Your draft statement currently reads:
(text-color: orange)[//(joined: " ", ...$Policy)//]
Do you intend to use Turnitin, which will soon have additional methods for attempting to detect potentially AI-generated text as well as potentially plagiarized text?
(link: "Yes, I plan to use Turnitin.")[(go-to: "Disclose Turnitin")]
(link: "No, I don’t plan to use Turnitin.")[(go-to: "Disclose AIC")]Okay, I suggest adding the following text to your draft statement:
(set: _edits to "You may use generative AI tools for work in this course however you see fit.")(input-box: bind _edits, "=XXXXXXXX=", 3, _edits)
I know this seems very bare-bones. I’ll suggest a possible expansion momentarily.
(link: "Add this text to my statement and proceed.")[(set: $Policy's 2nd to _edits)(go-to: 'Citations Branch')]
(link: "I want to reconsider the permissions I’m granting to students.")[(go-to: "Permissions Branch")]