Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Desire2Learn > Tools > Respondus Live Proctoring

​Respondus Live Proctoring

​Use Respondus Live Proctoring with Lockdown Browser

For quizzes or exams that require proctoring, Lockdown Browser offers a live proctoring option.

  1. Provide students the instructions for downloading and installing LockDown Browser.
  2. Convey to students, in advance, that LockDown Browser and Zoom will be used with the quiz.

    Note: Instructors may want to schedule a practice exam to ensure that everyone is familiar with how it will work.

  3. Encourage students to download LockDown Browser ahead of time.
  4. Create the quiz. (See Creating a Quiz for more information.)
  5. Once the quiz has been created, go to the Quizzes area of the course.
  6. Select the Lockdown Browser tab [A].
    lockdown browser tab
  7. Select the dropdown arrow next to the quiz for which to enable remote proctoring.
  8. Select Settings.
  9. Select the radio button to “Require LockDown Browser for this exam” [A].
  10. Select the radio button to “Allow instructor live proctoring for this exam” [B].
  11. Select Zoom as the video conferencing option [C].
  12. Enter a “Start Code,” which will prevent students from starting the exam early [D].
    setting for lockdown browser with proctor
  13. Select Save + Close.

Schedule the Quiz Session

  1. Create a Zoom meeting for the quiz. (See Creating a Zoom Meeting for more information.)
  2. Distribute the meeting information to students.
  3. At the scheduled time, confirm that students can be seen and heard.
  4. Provide the start code to students to begin the quiz.
  5. Remind students the Zoom meeting will continue to run in the background, but they will not be able to access Zoom during the exam.

    Note: An iPad will not allow Zoom and LockDown Browser to run at the same time. Consider these alternatives:
    a. Have the student use a different device altogether (Windows, Mac).
    b. Have the student use a second device for the Zoom meeting.
    c. Allow the student to shut down Zoom on the iPad when the exam begins.