Threats to Safety and Disruption of Campus Operations

Threats to Safety and Disruption of Campus Operations

The following is a selection of the many social media posts, images, data and quotes that exemplify the escalation of the impact of the encampment on DePaul’s Lincoln Park quad from a peaceful protest to an unsafe and intimidating environment for all DePaul and local community members. Data and images demonstrate the inability of the university to carry on normal, safe campus operations and also demonstrate hateful, discriminatory and intimidating signs and actions.

Some images on this page may be harmful or traumatizing and contain explicit or violent material. Viewer discretion is advised.

DePaul University and local community complaints and physical plant damages

625+ registered complaints from neighbors and community members

425+ registered complaints from students, faculty and staff, and parents

1Death Threat
Credible Threats of Violence
12 Incidents of Criminal Property Damage 
34 Reports of Antisemitism
Disorderly Conduct Charges
25 Academic Disruptions
13 Harassment Allegations
77 Reports of individual safety concerns
16 Instances of Intimidation 
 Allegations of Battery
48  Noise Complaints
184 Other Generalized Concerns

Complaints range from noise ordinance violations, to aggressive, intimidating, and violent speech, and the inability to peacefully enjoy the community around them. Registered concerns from parents, students, faculty, and staff captured from the Dean of Students, Division of Student Affairs, Office of the President, and the Office of Public Safety. All reports have either been reported to the Chicago Police Department or are under investigation by our Dean of Students.

Data as of Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Claims continue to be reported.

Safety violations or physical plant damage

  • Spray paint on buildings and doors
  • Chained and locked library doors
  • Dumpsters used to block building entrances and exits
  • Etching on glass/windows
  • Removal of safety grates
  • Estimated $180,000 in physical plant damages to the quad and surrounding areas

Other community or university life disruptions

  • 45 university events canceled
  • Oscar Mayer Elementary School canceled recess and other outdoor activities


Noise ordinance violation
Simple battery


Antisemetic stickers placed on university property

Protestor holding an intifada sign.

Protestors attached locks to John T. Richardson Library doors next to the quad. 
Protesters attached locks to John T. Richardson Library doors next to the quad 

From video shown above. $500 bounty for identification of protestors.

Sign with writing that reads “Globalize the Intifada.” 
Grates removed from facility operations access wells
Barricade reinforced by a heavy, steel bar and wooden palette
Barricade at one of the entrances to the Lincoln Park quad
Noise ordinance violation
Noise ordinance violation
Pellet gun

A hidden and covered bowling ball
Misappropriated university property
Boards on ground with long nails/screws sticking out as traps along the Fullerton fence.
Boards on ground with long nails/screws sticking out as traps along the Fullerton fence.

A portion of complaints from DePaul students, parents, faculty, staff, and local community members

Student reported to Public Safety that she was followed through the Quad where she overheard "I want to kill her" and "I want to rape her;" handed Quarans (including one that smelled like vinegar); threatened with a fight; told "You're Jewish scum, you do not deserve this;" and then she began to cry.

"After we walked from the peaceful pro-israel event back to our home, we had to walk past the front gates of DePaul again. Things had become more tense and more violent. My son and I watched a group of five masked men carrying Palestinian flags push a Jewish man to the ground and then steal his Israeli flag. I was called a baby killer, a murderer, a genocide supporter.  My friends had paint thrown on them, were pushed and verbally assaulted."

"My son is a freshman at DePaul and lives in the dorms. I'm reaching out to you because my son is no longer feeling safe at DePaul as a Jewish student. He participated in a pro-Israel gathering on Sunday. He shared how peaceful and welcoming the gathering was until he and a fellow student were walking back to his dorm. He told me that he and his female friend were encircled by an another group of masked students chanting, yelling and pushing while not allowing them to escape. My son resorted to physically pushing his way out of the circle and ran away from the verbal threats and antisemitic rhetoric. No police were present on the scene. This was clearly traumatic for him and his friend and vicariously traumatic for me, his mother as it would be to any concerned parent of any of your student body."

"Imagine being 18 years old and hearing people screaming and chanting for your death on campus and having them have more freedom of speech than you do because they have no fear. It’s deplorable. I believe in speech I believe in the right to protest, but I do believe on it encroach on other people civil rights."

"This protest goes far beyond what the law protects. There's hate speech at the core of pro palestinian messaging on your campus. They're calling for the elimination of the state of Israel. I was personally there when one protester screamed expletives at me while a small group of pro israel people stood peacefully/quietly."

"I am an Israeli and Jewish student who lives in University Hall. I have not slept for the past three nights because of the calls outside of my window for an Intifada...I have nowhere safe to go as an out-of-state student. I cannot go home, though all I want is to feel safe. "

"If it was peaceful, Oscar Mayer elementary wouldn't feel the need to cancel outdoor recess. The kids want to know why they can't go outside now for recess..."

"After hours of discussion at our home last night our son is attending class today, but is very concerned about his physical safety.  As a parent, we are scared for his safety both mentally and physically and while the encampment is the main focus of events on campus, there are also talks about protesters storming into classrooms and disrupting studies.  Should this occur, especially with the outside influencers involved, your student’s physical safety is at risk.  In addition, I can’t explain to you how painful the question from our son was on if this occurs should he admit he is Jewish or not."

"I find it incredibly concerning that photos are appearing of young men holding flags depicting the image of Abu Obaida, a Hamas spokesman."

"Please do something with what is going on. I live in University Hall and this has affected my well-being. Shouting in the evening past 10 pm is affecting my well-being as a student at YOUR university. The campers have been shouting very concerning things such as "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "We're the Intifada," and "KKK and CPD are the same thing." These statements are upsetting to me and make me feel unsafe at my college. The university alerts students not to leave their dorms, it shows that the university recognizes that the campus is not safe. The university needs to tell the protesters they need to clear the quad by a certain time. If not have CPD clear it out. "

"Every day is a nightmare. I walk through the neighborhood and it’s littered with antisemitic graffiti and flyers calling for the genocide of the Israeli people and images of kidnapped humans including a boy the same age as my 4 year old son are torn down."

"I drove by your university and walked around yesterday as my 15-year old daughter said she was scared to be near the school.  She works and goes to school in the area… I'm fearful as a Jewish resident."

"My daughter lives in Uhall - I have stayed quiet for a week in the hopes that you as a university would resolve this situation in safe and reasonable way.  I find the ongoing disruption to the campus and the students in the dorms, not able to study or sleep because of the chanting etc., well into the early morning hours completely unacceptable! Not only does my daughter fear for her safety when she in on campus - now she can't sleep / study in her dorm ( for a week and counting). She is an out of state student that does not have anywhere else to go."

"My son is scared to walk down Fullerton in the middle of the day because he is Jewish. How can you let this continue?" 

"My daughter is a resident at University Hall. She and her roommate are emotionally exhausted. The noise is keeping them from studying in their dorm room and sleeping soundly at night. Their stress level is unhealthy and we are worried.."

"I am horrified by the banner that is showcasing in our Quad this morning I understand that everyone has the right to protest but having a banner with a man pointing a rifle to a kid is horrific!! ...[I]t is over all insinuating violence."

"While I was walking through the quad today on my way to class, I noticed a banner that I'm assuming was set up by the encampment. This banner is a soldier holding a gun at a civilian, that looks to be a child. This is deeply disturbing."

"I am unsure whether the university understands how hurtful and honestly scary it is to see my peers, friends, and professors chanting whether consciously or not, for the harm of Israel and zionists, or Jews for that matter."

"I’ve already been advised by police not to visit the quad for my own safety. I was told by people of the encampment I’m not welcomed at school, and harassed me until I left. How long will I be barred from MY OWN SCHOOL that MY tuition goes to support!?" 

"As we walked home this past Sunday afternoon, a group of seven men completely covered up from head to toe, walked up and down Belden intimidating people. How are you allowing this on your campus grounds in 2024?" 

"If the encampment on the quad stays peaceful, I do not mind however, yesterday they were chanting "We are the intifada." I find this extremely concerning for me and all other Jewish students who attend this university."

"Since October 7th, 2023, we have seen a dangerous increase in antisemitism and hatred towards others on our campus and within our Jewish Community...we are now facing violence for existing, shut out of public spaces, and fear of speaking up against hatred and rampant antisemitism."

"Give me my f***king money back bro stop canceling classes I spent my life savings on this school"

"I previously sent an email about how I feel unsafe as a Jewish student at DePaul, and how the noise every night outside of Uhall is unbearable."

"While I am not Jewish, nor Palestinian, but I feel uncomfortable with the fact that a professor would so openly go out of their way to create such an assignment. I hope that you take action to make sure this doesn't happen in classrooms. I am putting myself through college and am finally graduating. I transferred from another university to DePaul knowing the good education I should be getting. I do not want this to ruin my view or my education. Thank you."

"No student should feel the need to be ‘escorted’ to walk across our Lincoln Park campus during broad daylight. This is the reality we are facing as Jewish students on campus at DePaul."

"I have to take a different route to school with my children so they don’t have to be exposed to the hate speech and antisemitism."

"I am a neighbor of DePaul university and have always been proud to share the neighborhood with your wonderful city campus and students. I was dismayed to wake up today and learn that you now have an antisemitic, anti-American and anti-Jewish mob encamped on your campus."

"There's hate speech at the core of pro-Palestinian messaging on your campus. They're calling for the elimination of the state of Israel. I was personally there when one protester screamed expletives at me while a small group of pro-Israel people stood peacefully/quietly."

"Small children should not be exposed to protests or agitation. Parents sending kids to summer camp should not have to worry that their kids will accidently get caught up in something dangerous!"

"Sadly, this antisemitism was on display in our own neighborhood, on the campus where we walk every day with our 5- and 8-year old.  Our 8-year old notices."

From same community member: 

"It is 12:44 [a.m.] and the protests and noise are still going on." 
"There is once again amplified noise from the protests on the quad. It is past 9:30. Do something."

"I live at Clinton and Fullerton and have considered myself a friend and neighbor of DePaul. It is appalling to observe the professional agitators and hate terrorists creating an encampment of ugliness. Anyone referring to the participants as “students and alumni” is being deceitful. Some of the suppliers - picture enclosed from last night - smiled and jokingly made references to another victory in campuses against Jews…. Please also stop the loudspeakers after 10 pm - as a good neighbor.."

"A new sign seen today at DePaul entrance: “Long Live the intifada!” The calling for the killing of Jews! A sign seen at DePaul Encampment: “Jewish safety cannot be achieved until Palestine is Freed.” Although it was removed this speaks to the hate that is embroiled in your campus. There are reports that your Jewish students and members of the surrounding community have been harassed with antisemitic hate speech. This will not go away if you allow these encampments to continue on campus. "

"This past weekend I was told by someone from the encampment to "go home". This is the first time in my 59 years I have experienced blatant anti semitism. It was horrifying."

"I am really disappointed and saddened by the way this situation is being handled. As a Jewish person, we can no longer walk through the quad as it’s full of offensive language. The arched entrance is boarded up." 

"The encampment has now renamed the library the Refaat Alareer memorial library. This is a man who replied to a tweet about Hamas murdering a baby in an oven with "with or without baking soda" and who declared that most Jews are evil. WHY are you allowing these people to terrorize the entire Jewish population of Lincoln Park and to celebrate a man who joked about Jewish babies in ovens. Why do I have to walk by this every day with my Jewish babies? Why am I forced to go to about my day while masked men who might or might not even be students give me the finger and shout go back to Poland? I am not sleeping at night because I am so scared - tell me, are you sleeping knowing what you've allowed to happen? Take the sign down and then take the encampment down. I want to be safe in my neighborhood again. "