SharePoint Responsive > Visual Guides > Basic HTML Guide

Basic HTML Guide

​​ The purpose of this markup guide is to display the default settings for all possible HTML elements. This document ensures that no elements are missed and acts as a typographic style guide.

Check out our HTML Best Practices for more.

(The "Latin" text used on this page is called Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the standard dummy text for over five centuries.)

First-Level Header / First-Level Header

The first-level header above is an h1 element. Conventionally, no more than oneh1 should be used per page. The Heading field at the bottom of every layout defaults to be the page's H1, so you do not need to add any additional H1s to your page.

Second-Level Header / Second-Level Header

The secondary header above is an h2 element, which may be used for your primary second-level header (since the Heading field defaults to your page's H1). More than one H2 may be used per page. Consider using an h2 as a sub-header to your h1 or as subsequent equal-importance headers.

Third-Level Header / Third-Level Header

This is an h3 element, which may be used for any form of header below the h2 header in your content's hierarchy.

Fourth-Level Header / Fourth-Level Header

For all headers below third-level, follow the guidelines listed above. Only use this lower header level when necessary.


Naturally paragraphs are wrapped in p tags. These should always be used as the default tag to wrap all of your regular content in.


Additionally, p elements can be wrapped with a blockquote element if the p element is indeed a quote. blockquote is intended for use with quotes. Here's an example of correct blockquote class="blockquote1" usage:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras euismod fringilla arcu. Integer posuere. Aliquam ipsum. Donec eget massa ac orci tempus euismod. Donec quis neque nec neque consequat sollicitudin. Donec commodo tempor nulla. Suspendisse venenatis. Ut ut leo. Nunc placerat urna at libero. Nunc suscipit lacus.

Inline Text

Used for denoting emphasized text. In most instances where you'd want to italicize text (using the HTML element i or otherwise) you should use the em element instead. Notable exceptions are stylistic italicizing of proper titles, foreign languages, etc. where italicizing is used for differentiation instead of emphasis. In those cases, no proper HTML elements exist, so an i element or a span element with a custom class may be preferable. Example emphasized text and usage: You simply must try the negitoro maki!
Used for denoting stronger emphasis than the em element. In most instances where you'd want to bold text (using the HTML element b or otherwise) you should use the strong element instead. Notable exceptions are stylistic bolding of examples, first occurrences of names in an article, etc. where bolding is used for differentiation instead of emphasis. In those cases, no proper HTML elements exist, so b element or a span element with a custom class may be preferable. Example strong text and usage: Don't stick nails in the electrical outlet.


Lists are a great way to break up content and make it scannable. ul denotes an unordered list (ie. a list of loose items that don't require numbering, or a bulleted list). ol denotes an ordered list, and various numbering schemes are available through the CSS (including 1,2,3... a,b,c... i,ii,iii... and so on) - each item within the ul or ol tags.

Unordered List uses ul which wraps around individual items li

  • This is an unordered list.
  • It has several items.
  • Here's an LI with a UL inside...
    • Kid 1
    • Kid 2
    • Kid 3
  • Here's an LI with a OL inside...
    1. Kid 1
    2. Kid 2
    3. Kid 3
  • and scene.

Ordered list uses ol which wraps around individual items li

  1. This is an ordered list.
  2. It has several items.
  3. Here's an LI with a UL inside...
    • Kid 1
    • Kid 2
    • Kid 3
  4. Here's an LI with a OL inside...
    1. Kid 1
    2. Kid 2
    3. Kid 3
  5. and scene​