Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Desire2Learn > Tools > Quizzes > Grading Quizzes

Grading Quizzes in D2L

​​Some quiz questions are graded automatically by D2L, including multiple-choice, true/false, multi-select, and matching. More qualitative questions, like written response, must be evaluated manually. 

There are two options for grading quizzes: 

If a quiz is manually scored, those scores will need to be published.

For information on connecting a Quiz to the grade book, see Synchronizing a Quiz with a Grade Item.

Grade Quizzes by Student Attempt

  1. Go the Quizzes area of the course.
  2. Select the dropdown arrow [A] next to the quiz.
  3. Select Grade [B].
    select arrow then grade
  4. The Grade Quiz page will open to the Users tab. Under the name of the student, select the Attempt link.
  5. The "User Attempt" page will open. Scroll down to the quiz questions and enter feedback:
    • Enter a value in the "Score" field [A] for questions that must be graded manually or  to change the score that D2L has automatically assigned.
    • Select the Expand question feedback [B] link and enter text in the "Feedback" textbox to provide qualitative feedback.
      Enter Score and Feedback
  6. Enter text in the "Attempt Feedback" [A] textbox to give the student feedback on the entire quiz attempt.
  7. Select Publish to save and publish the feedback so the student can see it immediately. Select Save as Draft to save the feedback without publishing it to the student.
  8. Use the arrows to navigate to the next student [A].
    navigate between users
  9. When all students have been graded, select the Back button to go back to the "Users" page.
  10. If feedback was saved but not published, select the checkbox to highlight all students [A].
  11. Select Publish Feedback to publish all feedback at once [B].
    select all quizzes and publish

Grade Quizzes by Question

  1. Go to the Quizzes area of the course.
  2. Select the dropdown arrow [A] next to the quiz. 
  3. Select Grade [B].
    dropdown menu select grade
  4. The Grade Quiz page will open to the Users tab. Select the Questions tab to view a list of all questions on the quiz.
  5. (Optional) For anonymous scoring, select the box to “Hide Learners’ names.”
  6. Select the question title link. The first response will be displayed.
  7. Enter a value in the "Score" [A] field (or adjust the value automatically entered by D2L want to change it.)
  8. Select Expand question feedback [B] to open the "Feedback" field, and enter any qualitative feedback.
  9. Select Save and Continue [C] to go to the next student.
    Grade Quiz by Question

Publish Quiz Scores Manually

If quizzes are not fully auto-graded, the remaining questions will need to be manually evaluated.

  1. Go to the Quizzes area of the course.
  2. Select the dropdown arrow [A] next to the quiz.
  3. Select Grade [B].
    dropdown menu select grade
  4. Select the "Select all rows" checkbox [A] to select all the quiz attempts.
  5. Select Publish Feedback [B].
    Select Publish Feedback
  6. If applicable, in the pop-up window, select Yes to publish the quiz scores to the grade book.
  7. Note: For quizzes that allow more than one attempt, the chosen score (highest, average, etc.) is the score that will be sent to the grade book.


Check the Grades area to make sure that scores have transferred properly. Visit Grades for more information.