Safety warning to divestment coaltion

Emails from May 10 following 2:00pm meeting 

From: Engagement Team
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2024 3:16 PM
Subject: RE: Meeting today and Monday 

Divestment Coalition – 

Thank you for having representatives attend the meeting today at 2:00. 

During our meeting, President Rob discussed a proposed message to the University community regarding an urgent and significant safety concern. 

We want you to know that we have worked on refining the language of the message. It will be going out momentarily. 

We hope to receive your availability for a meeting later tonight. 


The engagement team and administration. 

From: Divestment Coalition
 Friday, May 10, 2024 4:07 PM
 Re: Meeting today and Monday 


I am trying my absolute best to flag down all of the student negotiators given the circumstances we already outlined in our previous correspondence.  

I will have an update regarding timing for a meeting by 5:30 PM.  

Take care, 

[name removed] 

From: Divestment Coalition
 Friday, May 10, 2024 5:30 PM
 Re: Meeting today and Monday 

Dear Engagement Team:  

We are able to meet online tonight at 9:00 PM, per your request. [name removed] may or may not be able to join due to the personal circumstances we already iterated.  

Until liberation,  

The DePaul Divestment Coalition