Leadership Notes

Leadership notes
depaul statues

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Official statements, messages and announcements to the DePaul community from university leaders.

Celebrating a successful fall

December 19, 2024

This fall, DePaul Athletics and Advancement celebrated many wins. From success in the classroom and on the field and court to fundraising progress for the Dream Big Campaign, we wanted to share highlights with you as we all get ready to head into the holiday break....read more

DePaul President Robert L. Manuel is pleased to announce Dania Matos will serve as vice president for diversity, inclusion and belonging, effective Feb. 1, 2025. The announcement follows a nine-month national search that included broad university participation. ...read more

Salma Ghanem, provost, and Sherri Sidler, executive vice president and CFO, write to share key elements that will guide the approach toward a balanced budget for Fiscal Year 26.

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The project's steering committee updates the DePaul community on the new digital experience to better connect our university community....read more

The Division of Advancement and External Relations gives updates related to the university’s next major philanthropic campaign which will launch in 2025. ...read more

Public Safety announced that the Chicago Police Department is investigating the Nov. 6 incident in front of the Lincoln Park Student Center as a hate crime....read more

Incident on campus today

November 06, 2024

President Robert L. Manuel shared a statement with the university community on Nov. 6, 2024 about an incident on campus....read more

Taking care of each other

October 30, 2024

President Rob Manuel and other DePaul leadership encourage students to take care of themselves and each other ahead of finals season and the 2024 election by providing resources and upcoming events. ...read more

Facility Operations shares street closure at the Lincoln Park Campus that could impact travel through this coming spring.  ...read more

President Rob Manuel and other DePaul leadership share good news about student success and enrollment. ...read more