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DePaul University to launch new comprehensive brand awareness campaign

Here, We Do. campaign image
DePaul University’s “Here, We Do.” brand awareness campaign features high-impact outdoor advertising, including billboards and wallscapes. (Creative: Two by Four and Lindsey Gallup, photographer)
CHICAGO — DePaul University announces a new brand awareness campaign with the message “Here, We Do.” Breaking April 23 and running initially for 12 weeks, the campaign is the university’s first comprehensive brand advertising since 2011.

David Kalsbeek, senior vice president of Enrollment Management and Marketing at DePaul, explains that “Here, We Do.” differentiates DePaul from other institutions in an increasingly competitive marketing environment. “The content is more provocative than traditional higher education messaging while being authentic to the DePaul experience.”

Here, We Do. campaign image
DePaul University’s “Here, We Do.” brand awareness campaign features high-impact outdoor advertising, including billboards and wallscapes. (Creative: Two by Four and Lindsey Gallup, photographer)
Kalsbeek continued, “DePaul students are urban educated and world-ready. ‘Here, We Do.’ brings this to life. ‘Here’ evokes DePaul’s connection to Chicago and the critical role this world-class city plays in the student experience. ‘We’ affirms that we are an inclusive community supporting students in pursuit of their dreams while collectively serving the greater good. ‘Do’ is all about the hands-on, experiential education our students and alumni value.”

This campaign has been in planning and development since October 2017. “Here, We Do.” was developed by DePaul’s marketing team in collaboration with Chicago-based advertising agency Two by Four, which also created the university’s athletics campaign last fall.

The integrated campaign features 15- and 30-second spots running on major local TV networks and streaming services, online radio spots, a multi-faceted digital and social campaign, high impact outdoor advertising including CTA stations and vehicles, and prominent billboards and wallscapes throughout Chicago.

Here, We Do. campaign image
DePaul University’s “Here, We Do.” brand awareness campaign features high-impact outdoor advertising, including billboards and wallscapes. (Creative: Two by Four and Lindsey Gallup, photographer)
Adam Von Ohlen, executive creative director at Two by Four, said, “DePaul has a distinctive place among Chicago’s iconic institutions. Our goal was to tell that story with bold messaging and visuals and grab your attention. The campaign is smart, impactful and authentically Chicago — just like DePaul.”

The Chicago office of MARC USA, the university’s long-time media agency, created the omnichannel engagement strategy and managed all media.

The campaign’s target audiences include local community and business leaders, prospective undergraduate and graduate students, and DePaul’s faculty, staff, students and alumni.

MARC USA media director Nikki Hill explained that “the media strategy is built on our understanding of our targets’ journey when it comes to valuing and choosing a higher education institution. We’re reaching our key audiences in the times and places they’re most receptive with messages where they live, work, commute, and play.”

Kalsbeek further noted, “At DePaul, we know what sets us apart — a purposeful education, in a bold environment, supported by a caring ethos. In this campaign, we are proud to showcase our great university and we want the community to understand the value of a DePaul education and seek out our students and alumni when hiring. At the same time, we want to attract and retain top students and faculty. We’re very proud of all DePaul brings to Chicagoland, and our new campaign celebrates that.”

Additional information is online at​.


Media Contact:
Carol Hughes