COVID-19 Updates and Guidance > Updates > Faculty and staff update on campus access

Faculty and staff update on campus access

November 13, 2020

Dear faculty and staff,

We have always known the fight against the spread of COVID-19 would require a collective effort. To do our part in complying with Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s stay-at-home advisory, DePaul will be taking several steps that will further reduce the number of people on campus at a time when COVID-19 is spreading more rapidly.

As you are aware, yesterday faculty were asked to move all current face-to-face courses and final exams online for the remainder of the fall term, starting Monday, Nov. 16.

On Monday, these additional measures will also go into effect.

Building access
Faculty and staff whose work does not require them to be on campus are encouraged to stay at home if at all possible. Please give serious consideration to the necessity of visiting campus while the city’s stay-at-home advisory is in effect. Do not visit campus if you have been recently exposed to COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms.

If on-campus resources are essential to your work, DePaul’s buildings will be available to faculty, staff and others with authorized access from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Faculty who use Zoom classrooms to teach will still be able to access them during these times.

  • Lincoln Park: All buildings will operate in controlled access mode, requiring an ID card swipe for entry.
  • Loop: All DePaul buildings will require you to show a DePaul ID and sign in.
Music students may still access the Holtschneider Performance Center’s practice rooms using the School of Music’s scheduling system.

Law students may continue to access buildings in the Loop by showing a DePaul ID and signing in.

This restricted access will begin Monday and last through Dec. 22. As usual, buildings will be fully closed during the holiday break from Dec. 23 through Jan. 3. Remember to use the #CampusClear app each time you prepare to come to campus.

Computer labs
With the exception of closures for university holidays, the following computer labs will be open:

  • Lincoln Park: Brownstones in the Student Center (2250 N. Sheffield Ave.) Hours are available on the Student Center website.
  • Loop: Daley Building (14 E. Jackson Blvd.), First Floor (Swipe DePaul ID for entry.) Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday
The Theatre School’s computer lab will be available to Theatre students who need access to the lab’s specialized software.

The Ray Meyer Fitness C​​enter
The Ray will be closed starting Monday and until further notice.

At a time when people feel pandemic fatigue and are tempted to see family and friends over the holidays, please continue to be vigilant regarding your safety and the safety of those around you. Please wear a face covering whenever you leave your home and as recommended indoors, and keep a safe physical distance from people who are not in your immediate household.

Should you need assistance finding a COVID-19 test, testing locations and options are listed on DePaul’s COVID-19 Testing webpage.

In the spirit of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, please know we are grateful for everything you are doing for DePaul and our students despite the considerable challenges brought on by the pandemic. Together, let us continue to Take Care DePaul.


A. Gabriel Esteban, Ph.D., president
Salma Ghanem, Ph.D., interim provost
Jeff Bethke, executive vice president & chief financial officer