Leadership Notes > fy25-budget-planners

FY25 update for budget planners

​At Academic Convocation, Rob shared the draft Designing DePaul report, which includes initiatives that are the outcomes from the more than 50 listening sessions the president’s office hosted with more than 3,000 community members last spring. In the coming days, the President’s Office will launch a new Designing DePaul initiatives website that will serve as the central hub for tracking progress and sharing related updates.

Financial planning is one of the Designing DePaul initiatives that you will be able to track on the new website. To support this initiative, we are expanding the budget planning timeline and lengthening the time the university community can engage on this topic.
Enrollment Management and Academic Affairs have already begun working with the colleges and schools on enrollment planning. SRAC will begin its preliminary work by the end of September. Unit level budget planning will officially begin in early October, with the budget planning application opening on January 2.
More detailed information about the budget planning process and timeline will be on a redesigned budget website. It will be the repository for all budget planning related materials, including digital submission forms, budget instructions and guidelines, and links to trainings. We expect this site to be live by mid-October.
While this process is quite different than the past, it will give the community more time to engage in the budget process and come together to build a budget that best meets the needs of our community.
Thank you in advance for your collective work. Should you have any questions, please contact: