Leadership Notes > Updated resources and training from the Office of Risk Management

Updated resources and training from the Office of Risk Management

Dear Faculty and Staff: 

The Office of Risk Management​ (ORM) plays a pivotal role in identifying and managing obstacles to support DePaul University in fulfilling its mission and achieving its objectives. The office, which is comprised of Internal Audit, Compliance and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), relies on partnerships with faculty and staff to do this.  

To facilitate your involvement, ORM is pleased to introduce an updated website and new training tailored for faculty and staff. These resources are designed to provide useful information regarding the university’s risk management strategy and enhance our ability to manage resources effectively.  

Updated Website 

Our refreshed website includes comprehensive information about ORM activities. Here you can learn how the three ORM offices—Internal Audit, Compliance, and Enterprise Risk Management​—align. You’ll also be able to access valuable resources and conveniently launch the ERM 101 training module from this platform. Learn more about ORM and its functions below. 

Enterprise Risk Management 

ERM​, a longstanding function of ORM, has evolved over the past two years. It now has dedicated resources aimed at strengthening and formalizing a program that identifies, assesses, prioritizes, responds to, and monitors organization-wide risks.  

The Executive Risk Committee, comprised of executive leadership and faculty and staff council representatives, provides oversight and guidance to ERM efforts. Explore our FAQs and contact erm@depaul.edu​ with further inquiries. 

Internal Audit 

For the first time, Internal Audit is showcased on our website. Learn how the office enhances the organization's business practices by identifying vulnerabilities in our internal controls, suggesting potential process improvements, and identifying positive change opportunities. Visit our webpage for insights into how the internal audit process works, our charter and information about the audit committee. Refer to our FAQs and contact internalaudit@depaul.edu with any additional questions. 


Compliance ensures that all DePaul employees understand their responsibilities in developing and maintaining a compliance-aware environment, and you may already be familiar with various mandatory compliance training courses. Please see our FAQs and contact compliace@depaul.edu with any additional questions.  

ERM 101 Training 

We invite you to participate in our optional 30-minute online training module, ERM 101. This module provides insight into: 
  • ​The purpose of ERM and your role in it 
  • DePaul’s ERM journey 
  • ERM terminology, processes and activities
  • Techniques for identifying threats and opportunities 
Enhancing awareness of managing risk across DePaul enables us to concentrate on serving our students. We encourage you to complete the training​

We are excited to share these updated resources and training opportunities with you. Your engagement in understanding ORM initiatives is pivotal in enabling DePaul to prioritize what matters most and bolster our collective success. 


Eric Hoberg 
Associate Vice President 
Office of Risk Management ​