Leadership Notes > Quad restoration update

Quad restoration update

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,

I hope you are enjoying your summer. Today, I’m writing to give you an update on the work to restore our Lincoln Park Quad. 

Since the encampment ended, the quad has remained closed so that our team can clean and repair damage to the area. Ongoing projects include: 
  • ​Removal of graffiti 
  • Leveling and resodding of grass—this process takes about six weeks
  • Replacing landscape flowers and plants, damaged fencing panels, outdoor tables, trashcans, and portions of the concrete sidewalk
Though the area remains closed, you may have noticed Fred’s Camp is using parts of the quad this summer. This is necessary to fulfill DePaul’s contractual obligations to the children’s day camp. Our facilities team is working collaboratively with camp leadership to ensure repair projects will be completed on time while allowing campers safe access to green space. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We know many are eager to return to the heart of the Lincoln Park Campus and to enjoy the quad. We plan to reopen the quad in late August to welcome students for the fall quarter. 


Rich Wiltse
Vice President, Facility Operations