Leadership Notes > Finding the support you need from the Office of Gender Equity

Finding the support you need from the Office of Gender Equity

Dear DePaul students, 

Every member of our community has the right to safety from the threat of sexual and relationship misconduct and violence.  

Grounded in our commitment to valuing the dignity of every individual, DePaul fosters a culture of respect and safety and does not tolerate sexual and relationship misconduct and violence. We’re committed to addressing all reported incidents promptly and equitably. 

Students have many ways to get the support they need, including reporting to our office directly, sharing confidentially with a Survivor Support Advocate, and seeking counseling through University Counseling and Psychological Services. Please familiarize yourself with these options and the policies. 

Report an incident 

If you experience sex discrimination, harassment, or sexual or relationship violence, we encourage you to report to DePaul's Title IX Coordinator: 
Reporting allows us to offer support and explain your rights and options under our policies. The University takes steps to protect the confidentiality of people impacted by sexual and relationship violence to the extent possible by law.​

Responsible employees 

All DePaul faculty, staff and student employees are Responsible Employees, except those who are deemed Confidential Reporting Resources. When a Responsible Employee learns of potential sexual harassment, discrimination or related behavior, they must promptly report the information to the Office of Gender Equity.

Confidential Reporting Resources 

In this context, confidential means your report will not be shared with the Office of Gender Equity. If you want to discuss sexual or relationship violence in a confidential setting, contact a Survivor Support Advocate in DePaul's Office of Health Promotion and Wellness by scheduling an appointment:
University Counseling and Psychological Services (UCAPS) also provides confidential support. You can schedule an appointment online or in person at the UCAPS suite on the 3rd floor of the Lincoln Park Student Center, or by calling (773)-325-CARE (2273). 

Mission and Ministry’s religious leaders engaging in pastoral care are also available for confidential reporting as defined by the religious leader's professional confidentiality obligations. 

Familiarize yourself with applicable policies 

DePaul’s Title IX policies, as well as those addressing discrimination/harassment, and sexual and relationship violence​ can be found online. 

A note on the Title IX policy: In April, the United States Department of Education released new Title IX regulations with an effective date of Aug. 1, 2024. However, in July, a U.S. District Court judge in Kansas issued an injunction barring hundreds of institutions, including DePaul, from implementing the new regulations.  

What this means for DePaul is that nothing has changed. We will continue to act under the policies listed above, which provide robust protections against harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex and gender, including sexual orientation and gender identity. If the injunction is lifted and DePaul enacts the new regulations, we will communicate those changes to the university community. 

Thank you and take care, 

Molly Lamping Fleck  
Director, Office of Gender Equity 
Title IX Coordinator