Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Digication > Creating an ePortfolio Template

Creating an ePortfolio Template

To provide students with a basic structure or some starting content for their ePortfolio, a template ePortfolio can be created and shared with the entire course.

Note: A template can be created based on an existing self-owned ePortfolio, or as a new ePortfolio. To create a template based on an existing ePortfolio, go to the Share a Portfolio with the Class as a Template.

Create an ePortfolio Template

  1. From the Digication "Home" page, select the plus sign to create an ePortfolio [A].
    plus sign to create new template
  2. Enter a title for the ePortfolio.
  3. Enter a URL extension in the "URL" field.
  4. Select Create from Scratch [A].
  5. (Optional) Upload a thumbnail for the ePortfolio [B].
    create a new template
  6. Select Create.
  7. A processing page will open. When the ePortfolio has finished processing, it will open.
  8. Add content to the ePortfolio.
  9. Note: The template can include structural and aesthetic settings and/or content items for students to begin with. If content items are being included, make sure to publish all pages when finished by selecting the three bars for the menu at the top, then selecting Publish Pages and checking the box for All pages. If this step is not done, not all content will be included in the shared template.

Share a Portfolio with the Class as a Template

Once an ePortfolio has been created, it can be shared with a class so students can use it as a template.

  1. Navigate to the ePortfolio to be shared.
  2. Select the three bars in the corner to open the menu [A].
  3. Select Add as Template [B].
    share template from eportfolio menu
  4. The "Template Settings" page will open. Enter the template info, like a title, description, or license.
  5. Select Continue.
  6. Modify settings for who should have access to the portfolio template:
    • Select the first Edit button to alter privacy settings [A].
    • Select the second Edit button to share the template to users, groups, or courses by searching for the name in the "Search" field [B].
      edit buttons for privacy settings
  7. Select Continue.
  8. If not selected already, select the toggle next to "The following settings will be recommended to any users using this template".
  9. Select any default settings for the template. These are settings that will automatically popular within the ePortfolio when it is used by a student.
  10. Select Save Settings.
  11. A confirmation message will appear. Students will be able to access the template when creating an ePortfolio.

Remove an Old Version of a Template

To make changes to a template, the original ePortfolio will need to be edited. Follow all of the steps to re-share the ePortfolio as a template, then use the steps below to remove the old version from the template library.

  1. Navigate to an ePortfolio.
  2. Within the portfolio, select the "D" menu [A].
  3. Select Library [B].
    digication menu and library buttons
  4. Select the template to remove.
  5. Select the three dots [A].
  6. Select Delete [B].
    delete template button
  7. A confirmation window will open. Enter the confirmation in the field provided.
  8. Select Yes, delete it.


View Creating Assignments or Assessing Submissions to learn more about working with student ePortfolio assignments.