BlueSky > 1.6 - Payroll Information

1.6 - Payroll Information

Welcome to Payroll in BlueSky! Please review your address, direct deposit information and W-4 information converted from PeopleSoft to the new BlueSky system. Role-specific training toolkits for BlueSky are available. Please also visit for information and updates.

  • Time Reporters: Please enter all hours for the December 28 — January 10 pay period by noon on Sunday, January 10
    • If you are an hourly employee who enters hours on a time card, please enter the quantity of hours on your time card rather than start and end times.
    • Submit your time card when all hours for the pay period have been entered. When your time card is submitted, your manager will receive a notification that your time card is pending approval. Note: Webclock employees will have time cards automatically submitted at the end of the pay period.
    • If possible, submit your completed time card earlier than the deadline to allow sufficient time for approval.
    • Employee W-4 elections from PeopleSoft transferred over to BlueSky. In BlueSky, employees will automatically be taxed, for state purposes, based on their home address on file with the university. If a new W-4 is appropriate, you may submit a new state W-4 by Friday, January 8.
    • All absences such as floating holiday, vacation, and sick time must be reported in the Absence module.
  • Time Approvers: Please approve all hours for the December 28 — January 10 pay period by noon on Sunday, January 10.
    • You can review and approve time cards by clicking the through the bell or email notification.
    • To review and approve multiple time cards, navigate to My Team> Quick Actions> Show More> Team Time Cards. This view is automatically filtered to submitted time cards for your direct reports. You may review all and then check the button at the top of the screen, then Action and Approve
    • To view time cards in other statuses or for delegated time approval access, remove all filters from the top of the screen.
    • To edit an existing time card, click in to that employee’s time card, change the View By to Reported Time (rather than Calculated Time) and click the pencil icon. Remember to save, submit, and approve again.
    • Employee time cards will be approved by the employee’s Line Manager. The time approver responsibility can be delegated to a different employee. If you delegated time approval in PeopleSoft, you should re-delegate in BlueSky. By delegating your time approval access in BlueSky, you relinquish capability to approval time cards to the delegate. Please use the BlueSky Help tool by searching for “delegate time” to choose Timecard and Absence in order to delegate time approval.
  • If you have unreported time from December 27th or prior, please work with your manager to contact with a list of hours worked but not reported and paid in PeopleSoft. Please include your employee ID number and job/position.
  • If you have unreported absences from December 27th or prior (such as vacation or sick leave), please contact with a list of hours worked
  • If you encounter issues reporting or approving time, please contact with a detailed list including employee ID, supervisor name, type of hours, date, and number of hours.

Time Reporting Reminders

  • Hours worked must be reported on the appropriate day and for the appropriate position.
  • Employees with Multiple Jobs: Your work schedule in one position cannot overlap your work schedule in another position.
  • Web Clock Users: Remember to punch out during break periods.
  • Graduate Assistants: Hours worked must be reported on your timesheet in the appropriate reporting period.

DePaul University Payroll Services


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