Leadership Notes > 2023-24 > afac-2023-2024-election-results

Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) 2023-2024 election results

​​I am pleased to congratulate the five adjunct faculty who have been newly elected or re-elected by peers from their school or college to serve on the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee:  Nathan DeWitt, Gabrielle Simons, Aaron Lefkovitz, Jack Magaw, Elisabeth Ward. ​

All AFAC members for the academic year 2023-2024 are listed below.

The AFAC is charged with hearing, reporting, and suggesting resolutions for issues affecting adjunct faculty at DePaul. In fulfilling this charge, the AFAC creates an avenue to discuss and brainstorm ideas, communicate and share information across colleges, and provide advice and recommendations to the provost and Academic Affairs.

Many thanks to the eligible adjunct faculty members who voted in the election and to the exceptionally qualified candidates who entered their names for inclusion in the ballot.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank Curt Hansman, who will be cycling off the AFAC this Fall.  Many thanks to Curt for her dedicated service to the AFAC and to her adjunct faculty colleagues in LAS. 

DePaul’s adjunct faculty are vital members of our community. I greatly appreciate the willingness of the new and continuing AFAC members to work with me in service to their colleagues.

Newly elected and re-elected members:
Nathan DeWitt—College of Computing and Digital Media
Gabrielle Simons—College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Aaron Lefkovitz—College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Elisabeth Ward—College of Law
Jack Magaw—The Theatre School

Continuing members:
Liliana Fargo—College of Business
Fred Mitchell—College of Communication
Heather Little—College of Education
Daniel Hayes—College of Science and Health
Amanda MacDonald—School of Music
Molly Dumbleton—School of Continuing and Professional Studies