Leadership Notes > 2023-24 > Progress update on the full-time faculty salary study

Progress update on the full-time faculty salary study

​​​Dear Colleagues,

​I'm pleased to share a brief update on the Full-Time Faculty Salary Study.  On February 7, 2024, the work group presented our progress to Faculty Council, reviewing key points of the study’s methodology.  

This ongoing study expands on the 2020 salary study to include both tenure- and term-line faculty salaries.  Academic Affairs committed to repeating the study at regular intervals to assess market positioning of DePaul’s full-time faculty salaries.  This study is distinct from the annual salary-planning process, which is merit-based.  

The next step is to refine the methodology for the market assessment of term faculty, newly added to the current study.  We anticipate recommendations from our work by the end of the fiscal year and will keep you informed on our progress. 

The presentation can be found here.

Salma Ghanem, Ph.D.
