Leadership Notes > 2023-24 > Looking back on the fall quarter

Looking back on the fall quarter

Team Perma-Shine, the winners of this fall quarter's Driehaus Cup competition
Team Perma-Shine, the winners of this fall quarter's Driehaus Cup competition

Congratulations on a successful fall quarter!

The last few weeks of the quarter were busy ones. On Monday, November 20, we held our fourth-ever Driehaus Cup competition. A record-breaking ten teams participated in the competition, judged by guests from Morningstar, Protiviti, Grant Thornton and our own Coleman Entrepreneurship Center.

The energy in the room was palpable. I was especially impressed by the effort our students put in, and by how invested our teaching team was in their success. Our winning team even brought a demo of their product, a long-lasting lip gloss, on stage with them! 

Further down the pipeline of our revitalized core curriculum, our students are earning well-deserved recognition. Led by Melissa Markley and Juan Mendez, 14 Driehaus BUS 103 students participated in a 24-hour food justice hackathon held at Northern Illinois University. I am delighted to share that our teams took away first and third place. 

Looking ahead to 2024

With the success of these efforts and many others in mind, I am looking ahead to the March 1, 2024 deadline for submitting our college’s strategic plan to Provost Ghanem.

As I shared at the faculty/staff meeting in October, this plan will be a grassroots effort. I look forward to hearing the outcomes of department- and center-level discussions. These discussions will, in turn, form the basis of my plan. I look forward to sharing more updates with you in the new year.

Finally, as we look ahead to 2024, I would be delighted for you to join us at two very special DePaul basketball games:

  • Tuesday, Jan. 9 at 8 p.m. (men’s team vs. Creighton)
  • Sunday, Jan. 28 at 1 p.m. (women’s team vs. Villanova)

Both games are part of the "College Nights” series. These games give us the chance to showcase and celebrate the achievements of the Driehaus College of Business. You can use the promo code DCOB23 to receive a discounted ticket.

I am sending you my warmest wishes for a joyful and restorative holiday season. I look forward to continuing our good work in 2024 and beyond!

Read the full Driehaus College of Business newsletter here​.