Leadership Notes > 2023-24 > Parking and Shuttle Services

Parking and Shuttle Services

​​​With the DePaul community’s safety top of mind and our Designing DePaul safety initiative driving us forward, we continue to implement additional measures. Thanks to all who continue providing feedback and ideas on enhancing campus security.

We are happy to announce that we are piloting two additional Lincoln Park campus drop-off points for the inter-campus shuttle. 

Beginning Monday, Oct. 30, the inter-campus shuttle will not only drop students off in the Student Center parking lot, but also on the south side of Fullerton at Clifton and Kenmore avenues (red dots on the below map). These stops will provide a shorter walk for many residence hall students returning to their rooms, as well as nearly direct access to the Richardson Library.

Here are some things to keep in mind:
  1. This is a pilot program that will run through winter quarter 2024. If it is successful, it will become permanent. We will keep the community updated.
  2. The one pick-up location for the shuttle service in Lincoln Park remains the same: behind the Lincoln Park Student Center.
  3. The additional drop-off locations were selected based on a number of factors, including buses’ limited ability to navigate turns, street parking and narrow streets. 
We are pleased to respond to the DePaul community’s requests for enhanced shuttle service and hope you will take advantage of this pilot program. Should you have any questions, please email parkingservices@depaul.edu.