Leadership Notes > 2023-24 > security-campus-benchmarking-results

DePaul's security and campus benchmarking results

As DePaul continues to address concerns about campus safety, progress and solutions come in many forms. Bolstering our building security and leveraging advancing technologies are key in our approach. 

Last summer, we engaged Jensen Hughes, a global leader in security and risk management consulting, to conduct an on-site physical and technical security assessment at DePaul. We also asked them to conduct a survey to see how other university campuses were securing their buildings.

The assessment and survey reports are in… and what have we learned? 
  • Where are we most effective?
  • Where are the opportunities to change, add or expand safety measures to better protect students, faculty and staff?
  • What are other college campuses considering when it comes to increasing building security?

Read yesterday’s DePaul Newsline article to learn more!

To learn more about how DePaul is prioritizing Safety & Security, visit the Designing DePaul Initiatives website​.