Leadership Notes > 2023-24 > Title IX Overview

Title IX Overview

​This message is an important overview of DePaul’s policy, response, and resources related to sexual and relationship misconduct and violence, including information about safe and positive options for risk reduction and bystander intervention that can be carried out to prevent harm.

University Statement on Sexual and Relationship Violence

Every member of the DePaul University community has the right to safety from the threat of sexual and relationship misconduct and violence. Grounded in our commitment to valuing the dignity of all people, DePaul University fosters a culture of respect and safety by implementing best practices in education, prevention, and holistic support and care. DePaul does not tolerate sexual and relationship misconduct and violence and addresses incidents made known to the University promptly and equitably.

Familiarize Yourself with Applicable Policy

DePaul's policy regarding Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention and Response can be found here. This policy details the options available for those impacted by sexual and relationship violence, including access to resources both on and off campus. The policy also outlines the university’s response, including its commitment to education and training regarding the prevention of sexual and relationship violence. More detailed information related to sexual and relationship violence, including the definitions of consent and retaliation, can be found within in the Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention and Response Policy.  

The Formal Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures apply to specific conduct that takes place within DePaul’s educational programs or activities and meets other criteria set forth per guidelines issued by the United States Department of Education. The term “sexual harassment” in this policy is used broadly to include sexual and relationship violence and stalking as well as hostile environment or “quid pro quo” sexual harassment. 


Reporting to Public Safety
Individuals who have experienced sexual or relationship violence—whether on-campus or off-campus and whether by a member of the DePaul community or not—are encouraged to report the incident to DePaul’s Public Safety Office. A report documents the incident and allows for immediate response by the University. Reports of sexual and relationship violence can be made immediately to DePaul Public Safety, which has dispatch offices on both campuses that are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

Lincoln Park Campus Office
Centennial Hall, 2345 N. Sheffield Ave., Suite 304
(773) 325-7777
Loop Campus Office
Lewis Center, 25 E. Jackson Blvd., Lower Level 103
(312) 362-8400

Reporting to the Title IX Coordinator
As required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, DePaul prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in its educational programming and activities. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment as well as sexual and relationship misconduct and violence. Reports of sex discrimination, sex harassment, and sexual or relationship violence can be made to DePaul's Title IX Coordinator. 

Title IX Coordinator
(312) 362-8970

Electronic reports may also be made through this online form.

Title IX requires that when an individual who is a "Responsible Employee" learns of sex discrimination, that employee is required to promptly report specific information known to them, to DePaul's Title IX Coordinator or other appropriate designees. At DePaul, all DePaul faculty, staff, and student employees are Responsible Employees. If the information reported to the Responsible Employee suggests that the impacted individual has experienced sexual or relationship violence, the Responsible Employee should also provide the individual with the Sexual and Relationship Violence Rights and Options packet

Confidential Resources

Individuals who wish to discuss options regarding sexual or relationship violence in a confidential setting have a variety of options at DePaul. The University takes steps to protect the confidentiality of survivors of sexual and relationship violence to the extent possible by law. 

Survivor Support Advocates in DePaul's Office of Health Promotion and Wellness, located on the 3rd Floor of the Lincoln Park Student Center.

Health Promotion & Wellness
(773) 325-7129

Survivor Support Advocates provide support to individuals including students and employees, and including potential referred individuals, and others. This support may include informing people of their options and available on- and off-campus resources such as counseling, medical assistance, emergency housing, legal/law enforcement, academic accommodations, and safety planning. If requested, Survivor Support Advocates can assist the individual with navigating DePaul or external processes, such as the Student Conduct Process.

More details on confidential space options can be found on a dedicated page on the website for the Office of Health Promotion and Wellness: go.depaul.edu/SRV.

If you know someone within our community who has experienced sexual or relationship violence, let them know that you are there for them and help them connect with these resources. It’s also important to remember that there is nothing a person can do to deserve or provoke sexual or relationship violence. 

Trauma Care Specialists in University Counseling and Psychological Services (UCAPS), located on the 3rd Floor of the Student Center in Lincoln Park, Suite 350. Active and enrolled students may schedule appointments online or in person at the UCAPS suite, or by calling 773-325-CARE (2273) and selecting # 2, (Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. only).

Risk Reduction and Bystander Intervention  

Reducing the risk of sexual violence involves all members of our community. Below is some helpful information to inform our community of ways that different involved community members can reduce these risks.  
  • Consent: When considering sexual activities, parties must obtain consent. Consent is unambiguous and voluntary agreement to move forward with a specific sexual request, act, or experience
    • Consent is ongoing and can be withdrawn at any time.
    • Consent cannot be obtained from someone who has a temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity, including as a result of drug or alcohol use, or because they are underage.
    • Consent is an affirmative act, not a lack of action.
    • Lack of resistance does not constitute consent.
    • Consent cannot be obtained through the use of force, coercion, duress, or threat. Consent cannot be obtained from individuals who are asleep.
    • The absence of "no" or "stop" should never be interpreted as implicit consent, if consent is otherwise unclear.
  • Take Care, DePaul
    • Take care of yourself:
      • Never accept drinks from people you don't know or trust, never leave your drink alone, and always watch your drink being prepared.
      • When going out at night, if you are alone, use heavily trafficked and well-lit routes and remember you can always call campus security to walk with you.
    • Take care of each other:
      • If your friend seems intoxicated or is acting abnormally, take them to a safe place immediately. Call 911 if you think you or a friend has been drugged. Tell the doctors about your suspicions, so they can order tests to detect the presence of substances. Remember your Blue Demon Duty, which takes into account an individual’s responsible action should the university need to follow up with any involved parties.
  • Trust your instincts. If you don’t feel safe or comfortable in a situation, go with your gut and remove yourself from the situation as soon as possible.
  • Be safe online. Don’t share personal information, such as your phone number, class schedule, address, or current location, on your social networking pages or status posts. Be cautious about meeting someone you got to know online and always meet them in a public place until you have gotten to know them well.
DePa​ul is a community that looks out for one another. Intervening safely as an engaged bystander is living the DePaul Mission—something we all are called to do. Consider The Vinny Vow: A Bystander Intervention Training, which is a workshop offered by Health Promotion & Wellness (HPW). Student groups or organizations can email hpw@depaul.edu to schedule a workshop. The workshops equip members of the DePaul community with the awareness, skills, and ability to challenge social norms that perpetuate sexual or relationship violence.

The following are some safe options for bystander intervention when there is a risk of sexual violence: 
  • Recruit the help of friends of one or both people involved to step in as a group to diffuse the situation.
  • Cause a distraction—spill your drink, unplug the music, or turn on the lights.
  • Call 911 or Public Safety.
  • Immediately contact an RA or other campus leader.
  • If you feel you can do safely, directly intervene and ask if you can be of assistance.
If you have questions or concerns, contact our new Director of the Office of Gender Equity/TIX Coordinator, Molly Lamping Fleck, by emailing tixcoordinator@depaul.edu. For more information, visit this website​.

The safety of our campus community is of paramount importance. We appreciate you taking the time to read this information. Should you have any follow up questions, do not hesitate to contact Public Safety, the Title IX Coordinator, or the Office of Health Promotion & Wellness.