DePaul University Newsline > Multimedia > Thank you notes from the Class of 2021

Thank you notes from the Class of 2021

June ​11, 2021

I would like to say thank you to the entire MPH Department, they had a significant impact on my personal, academic and professional career! - Darielle D. Sherrod, LAS

Thank you to Sheena Erete, Denise Nacu, and LeAnne Wagner for building an incredible new program and pushing students to think bigger, better, and harder.
Prof. Clark - From touring the offices of Chicago sports teams, presenting projects to execs at company's in DePaul's backyard, virtually connecting with events industry pros, and so much more- thank you for making my learning experience so memorable.

​Professor Clark, from touring the offices of Chicago sports teams to virtually connecting with industry pros; thank you for making my learning experience so memorable. - Sean Montgomery, BUS

Thank you to all of my Graduate Professors at DePaul University .. special "Thank You" to Professor Trina Davis Dee, Ph.D. "It Has Been a Great Ride" 2021

​Thank you to all of my graduate professors and a special thank you to professor Trina Davis Dee, Ph.D. "It Has Been a Great Ride" 2021 - Karen Wilson​, SCPS

The 9most memorable class I took in my four years was Brazilian Music and Dance all because my professor Cathy allowed space for creative freedom and expression within the course topics which made learning engaging, educational, and incredibly fun!

Cathy Elias - ​The most memorable class I took was Brazilian Music and Dance because you allowed space for creative freedom and expression! - student, LAS

Thank you to the Center for Sales Leadership! I am so thankful to have had your guidance and support throughout my 4 years. Special shout out to Deirdre, Dan Strunk & Felix Leshey!
Grateful for Lisa Sedor who was such a kind and accommodating professor as we were all adjusting to online learning!
Hi Professor Hoecker! Thank you so much for igniting my love of photography, and pushing me to learn about different ways of seeing (and capturing) the world. I'm inspired by you and hope to do good things!
Thank you to DePaul for helping me grow into a young professional. One teacher in particular that I want to thank is Dr. Olya Glantsman. Thank you for all your time, knowledge and support! Thank you for always being available to help!
Dr. Molina is truly one of a kind. She is brilliant, passionate, and hilarious and I am glad I met her at DePaul. She inspired me to pursue a MPH and really opened my eyes to my passion for epidemiology and health disparities. -Catherine Marshall
Thank you Dr.P for all you have taught us!
You have been the best professor I have had at DePaul. In a moment where I feared I would never understand computer science and feared switching my major once again, your guidance and lessons made me understand and develop a passion for the material!
Thanks a bunch to Professor Jaclyn Jensen for igniting my passion for Recruitment and Selection through her curriculum and supporting me even after the course finished. I will always remember your kindness and understanding.
A very special thank you to my CSEC 395 capstone group. To the very talented nerds in "Team G3C": I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to work alongside, thank you for your patience and your hard work. We did it!

​​A special thank you to the very talented nerds in Team G3C, I couldn't have asked for a better group to work alongside, thanks for your patience and hard work. - Ben Kessell​, CDM

Thank you for being an amazing professor - You've made my college experience way better than you think.
Thank you Dr. Bradford & Dr. Obellerio for your passion & dedication!!!

​Thank you Dr. Bradford and Dr. Obellerio for your passion and dedication!!! - Desiree Schierholz​, COE

Thank you truly for all the ways in which you've taught me about various tools, props, and many times about life in general. I truly enjoyed working as a student in the prop shop, and I can say it was one of my favorite parts of TTS.
Thank you so much for always teaching and rooting for every student's success, not just my own. While I wished I had longe to learn about scenic painting, I truly enjoyed class times and learning from you!
Thank you so much for always being so positive and believing in all of us, not matter how strange or challenging our projects/desires may be!
Thank you for really pushing us, as students, to be critical consumers of our favorite pop culture media! The way you engage with students is why I've loved every class you've taught, and it's made me have a better outlook on my fandoms and my worldview!
I could not have asked for any better professors who taught me and helped me through my time at DePaul. A special thank you  to Dr. Grice for helping me through writing a thesis in a pandemic!
Dr. Anne Butler, thank you for all of your hard work & effort this year. You are ONE AMAZING woman!
I wanted to thank you for your dedication to transparency. It never felt that you pushed your own personal perspective; instead, you transparently presented all sides of the Sociological-die and explained the reasons to support each idea.
Thank you so much for listening when I was stressed and for giving advice during my time at DePaul! It means a lot
Thank you for making me feel like more than a number in a class and making class bearable !
I want to thank you for everything you have done to making my future a success. g
Professor Clark Elliott, I wish to extend my immense gratitude to you for your generosity with your time and attention that helped me reshape my outlooks. You have been a beacon of hope to me in this otherwise indifferent world.
Thank you to everyone who has taught, mentored, and believed in me enough to help me reach today. I appreciate each and every single person at DePaul who has supported me in this journey. Cheers to new beginnings :)

Thank you to everyone who has taught, mentored and believed in me enough to help me get to today. I appreciate every person at DePaul. Cheers to new beginnings! - Nahal Hashemian, LAS​

Thank you to Professor Andy Clark for being an incredible teacher, mentor, and campus partner! Working with him through classes and experiencing his dedication to DePaul Athletics has added so much to my Kellstadt experience. You are the best, Andy!!!

​Thank you Andy Clark for being an incredible teacher, mentor and campus partner! Working with you and seeing your dedication to DePaul Athletics added to my Kellstadt experience. - Jessica Ley​, BUS

Thank you to the wonderful Alicia Pope for being an incredible mentor! I have learned so much from you & am so grateful you have shown me how to "have it all!" DePaul Athletics is lucky to have you & I am so glad to call you my friend! Dream team forever!
I want to thank my professor Maria Anna Fantuzzi for teaching me Italian for 2 years. I am happy to have her as my Italian teacher throughout my academic experience at DePaul University.

​I want to thank my professor Maria Anna Fantuzzi for teaching me Italian for two years. I am happy to have her as my Italian teacher throughout my academic experience at DePaul. - Shoni Herrera, LAS

Dr. Hollenbeck, thank you for attention to detail, your feedback and for helping to make me the best reading specialist, and special educator that I can be! I will never forget you and I will be reaching out for your expertise and advice! Thank you!!
Dr. Butler, you are the best and I would not be graduating this program without your instruction, advice, care and concern! Thank you!
Thank you to my parents, Rob & Jane, My fiancé Delaney and her family, and my Marine brothers who always motivated me to succeed outside the military.  I love you all!
To Professor Riddell: I'm forever grateful for the blood, sweat, and tears you put into helping me with my thesis feature film script. A true inspiration and mentor. Thank you so much for your wisdom, expertise, and assistance. You make an impact.
I’d like to thank Tania Rodriguez for being an amazing advocate for me as a readmitted student.

​I’d like to thank Tania Rodriguez for being an amazing advocate for me as a readmitted student. - Ruby Serrano​, LAS

Professor Boyd Bellinger, thank you for attention to detail, and your breadth of resources and information. I am better educator because of your amazing class! I will never forget you and I will be reaching out for your expertise and advice! Thank you!!
Thank you to everyone who has made this day happen. Thank you to Seth Horning to always being there to guide and answer all of my crazy questions/

​Thank you to everyone who has made this day happen. Thank you to Seth Horning to always being there to guide and answer all of my crazy questions. - Christina Alghini​, CMN

Dear Professor Diamond
Huge shout out to Ms. Viollt, my professor Mr. McCullough and Mrs. O'Gorman! You have all been extremely supportive and responsive when I have a question. Your kindness has made my experience even less stressful and therefore successful! Thank you
Dr. Greg Brewster, Thank you so much for doing everything you can in your power to make sure we succeed. Whether it's in the classroom as our professor or in your office as our academic advisor. Thank you for all that you have done for us.
Dr. Filipo, Thank you so much for doing everything you can in your power to make sure we succeed. Thank you for your consideration of late assignments.
A huge thank you to all of my professors at DePaul who have had a deeply enriching and positive impact on me and my learning.

​A huge thank you to my professors at DePaul who have had a deeply enriching and positive impact on me and my learning. - Kimberly Nguyen​, COE

To DemonTHON. Thank you for being my miracle family these past 4 years. I would not be who I am today without you all. FTK always
Dusty Goltz, Thank you for supporting me as a student, artist and human these past 4 years. Your spirit is unmatched. Thank you for being you.
Stephanie Howell, thank you for moving through my world. It changed it for the better. I will never forget you :)
To The Dean of Students, Thank you for challenging me, supporting me and taking care of me these past 3 years. I have no words to describe how instrumental your teachings and compassion have been in my journey.
Para Glen Carman, gracias por todo lo que me has hecho y ensenado. Estoy orgulloso de ser un estudiante graduado del departamento del espanol.
To Michaela Winchatz, you and your class were instrumental in teaching me what I am capable of and what I am passionate about. Thank you for sharing your expertise, knowledge and life with me in Cultures and Conversation. I will never forget it.
To all those in the Madrid study abroad program 2019. Thank you for becoming my second family in Spain. Thank you for the endless adventures and indescribable friendships.
To the A.N.T Farm. You 3 are my rocks. I am who I am because of you. Thank you <3
Special shoutout and thank you to my adviser and professor, Dr. Filipo Sharevski. I loved all his classes and teaching style, and his timely responses to my abundance of questions was always appreciated. Thank you for the guidance and knowledge!
Thank you, Dr. Reddic and Professor Chomiak for motivating me to become the best version of myself! I am grateful for the support I’ve had during my journey.

​Thank you, Dr. Reddic and Professor Chomiak for motivating me to become the best version of myself! I am grateful for the support I’ve had during my journey. - Kristen Schroeder​, BUS

Thank you so much for every professor, classmate and staff I met at DePaul University! You're all super nice, friendly and warm-hearted. It's really nice to be a student of DePaul!
Your strength of will and unbounded resilience have been an inspiration to us all this year.  Congratulations Class of 2021!
I want to give a huge shout-out to the following people: professor Svagl Cal 1, professor Ginesberg from accounting, professor Girju, my amazing  academics advisor Mrs. Bartosik and Megan my veterans counselor. Thank you all and wish nothing but the best.
Grateful to have been blessed with the most exemplary professors who pushed me and praised me into a better teacher.

​Grateful to have been blessed with the most exemplary professors who pushed me and praised me into a better teacher. - GeLisa Marie Smith​, COE

Words of gratitude to my PHD committee, Dr Jeffrey Kuzmic, Dr. Horace Hall, and Dr. Stephen Haymes for the ongoing support throughout this journey. And a special shout out to Dr. Ronald Chennault  for his words of encouragement and my family, thank you.

Words of gratitude to my dissertation committee, friends, and family. Because of you, I am “Dr. Gwen Walters, first-generation.” - Gwenda Walters, COE

Thank you for believing in me

​Thank you for believing in me! - Sysairesse Davis​, COE

Thanks Prof Dierdorff for opening our minds to BS.... It's EVERYWHERE!
Thank you for all of the help that has led me to where I wanted to be. It has been a long journey for me but a short one with you. I wouldn’t be in this wonderful place without all of the help from the faculty and staff. Thank You!
Thank you so much to the university and CDM faculty, staff, and students, for making my time at DePaul as enjoyable as it was educational!

​Thank you so much to the university, and the CDM faculty, staff and students for making my time at DePaul as enjoyable as it was educational! - Clayton Cohn​, CDM

Thank you to Dr. Proweller my dissertation committee chair and Dr. Everette and Dr. Michel for everything they did to support me in completing my Ph.D.!

​Thank you to Dr. Proweller, my dissertation committee chair, Dr. Everette and Dr. Michel for everything they did to support me in completing my Ph.D.! - Ashlee Canty​, COE

Thank you to Bruce Leech, Grace Lemmon,  Juan Mendez, Jaclyn Jensen, Jeffrey Kowalkowski, and Jennifer Ingersoll for greatly impacting my time here at DePaul. You guys made it a great experience and helped put me on the correct path I want to follow.
Also shout out to Abigail Ingram for a great course on entrepreneurship law that answered a lot of my questions, and my advisor Catherine Gill for always being there when I needer her. You rock!!
I have finished what I started!

​I have finished what I started! - Elmira M Brewer​, CMN

“It’s okay you’re just learning”.  I wanted to thank Prof Michael Cadilhac, one of the smartest profs I've had at DePaul because that quote always stuck with me. Whenever I struggle, I always remind myself that I’m just learning.
I would like to thank Prof Haibo Lu and Jeffrey Hamilton for their excellent teaching and the mark they have left! I learned and engaged the most in their classes and would recommend others to take them too.
I am forever grateful to the faculty and staff  for helping me to integrate my academics with my experience and talents

​I am forever grateful to the faculty and staff for helping me integrate my academics with my experiences and talents. - Bradly K Johnson​, LAS

Thank you to my parents for everything and all the teachers at school for teaching me more than just education, but also showed me morals as well.
Thank you, Dr. Soltero, for a great series of class discussions, meaningful conversations and guidance into a life of a teacher!
Thank you, Dr. Park-Johnson, for all of your support and proficiency in technology! You helped us all to switch into online learning .. and to even kind of start loving it!! ;))
Thank you, Dr. Gabbard, for being such an awesome professor during my time in undergrad at DePaul! You taught the first WGS course I took here, and you have always challenged me, pushed me, and encouraged me. I'll carry the things you've taught me always!
I extend my deepest gratitude to my advisor Dr. Verena Graupmann, dissertation readers Dr. Kimberly Quinn, Dr. Shelly Rauvola, and readers external to Psychology, my family and friends, and the Psychology Department faculty and graduate students!
Thanks to the entire DBA team for their dedication to teaching us to learn at a higher level, and having all the tools we needed be right there, exactly when we needed them!
A special shoutout to my family, friends, and mentors for their support and guidance over the last few years! I am excited to begin this next chapter!! Congrats Class of 2021!

​A special shoutout to my family, friends and mentors for their support and guidance over the last few years! I am excited to begin this next chapter! Congrats Class of 2021! - Katie Syc​, COE

Thank you all who worked hard to offer virtual classes during the pandemic.  Thank you for offering great advice, professor Whalen.  Special thank to my fellow McDonald's cohort, you made this journey a lot easier,, special shout out to Ana.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me in my journey, especially Mom, Dad, Nathan, and Michelle!

​Thank you to everyone who has supported me in my journey, especially mom, dad, Nathan and Michelle! - Elijah Caluya, CDM

Thanks to all the people who support me along the way, you are the foundation of my success.
Thank you so much, Dr. Zecker, for introducing me to great literacy instruction tools! You have inspired me to work toward becoming a Certified Dyslexia Practitioner and open doors for all students to learn how  to read. Thank you! :)
Thank you so much, Professor Bigelow, for opening my eyes to how to teach with social justice at the heart of every lesson! I think about your class every time I am designing a lesson or activity. Thank you so much :)
Thanks everyone in my life
I really want to say a special thank you to Dr. Darrick Tovar-Murray from the counseling program for having  guided and mentored me on becoming a better and culturally competent counseling professional!
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. My time here wouldn't be half as great if not the support and guidance of my wonderful professors.Can' thank coffee enough for helping me survive

Grateful for the guidance & support of professors, mentors, family and friends. A global pandemic didn't stop us. Congrats class of 2021. - Vanya Sharma, CDM

Thanks for all of your help! Special thanks to the History department and financial aid! woot woot!
Shout out to the tutoring team for your support and flexibility. Shout out to Norma! Thank you to Mayrna Debabneh for her excellent and superb math skills in preparing to pass my content exam and to Kelsey Suglich for supporitng me with the S.S and ELA.
Professor Kevin Sofen, Thank you. Your course not only helped me to have a deeper and firmer understanding of my main subject "Sustainable Management" but it also gave me some precious memories in the process of studying at DePaul with many good people.
Thank you to everyone that's been a part of my journey!
Thank you to my parents!! I couldn't have done it without you!! Love you.

​Thank you to my parents! I couldn't have done it without you! Love you. - Alexandra Guzman​, CSH

Big thank you to all of the instructors that I had classes with.  Exceptional thank you to  Filipo Sharevski, Andy Reeder, Craig Youngberg, Chad Gough, and Mary Sandy.

Thank you to Andy Clark, Semir Delic and Dan Strunk for your guidance in different steps of my academic career. And to the rest, keep on keeping on. - Anthony Zunno​, BUS

Thank you Depaul

​Thank you Depaul! - Wynston​, CMN

Thank you, Roni! Your insight and expertise always made everything better! :)

​Thank you, Roni! Your insight and expertise always made everything better! - Sabrina Lowery​, SCPS

To Shiro, Thank you for everything you have done to help me get this over with. It has been a long road and could not have been done without your help and guidance.
Dear Professor Dennis Miller, Thank you for everything you have done for our MAT 135, and 136 class! I have gained a lot from it and it will be such a memorable experience! Thanks again for being a great professor who taught us with passion and vitality!
Thank you to all the faculty, staff, and professors who have supported me on my journey.
Thanks for my professors especially Dr.  Rafael, Dr Bucci and Dr Mitchell.
Dear Professor Sedgwick. Thank you for all your help this quarter. With the help from you I was able to be organized in the classes I selected despite this year despite this year being stressful. Thank you for being a great impact on me.
These past few years here at DePaul have been a very memorable experience. There were a lot of long nights, and now that I have reached my goal I can say it was definitely worth it. I would like to thank all of those who helped me through it all.
Thank you to all staff, family, and friends who supported me throughout this endeavor. I truly could not have done it without you.

​Thank you to all staff, family and friends who supported me throughout this endeavor. I truly could not have done it without you. - Jonathan Mishkin​, COE

I’m grateful for each professor, but I would love to take a moment to thank Professor Ramya Ramanath and Professor Howard Rosing for truly elevating my experience as a grad student at DePaul. Thank you, I will miss having class with you both.

Thank you Professor Ramya Ramanath and Howard Rosing for truly elevating my experience as a grad student at DePaul. I will miss having class with you both. - Shannon Jones​, LAS
