As the university embarks on writing the next strategic plan, President A. Gabriel Esteban, Ph.D., emphasizes that it must represent the best interest of DePaul's students. This month, Dr. Esteban selected membership from across DePaul to serve on four, eight-member planning teams and an 18-member Strategic Planning Task Force. (DePaul University/Jamie Moncrief)
Forty-two faculty, staff and students were appointed to strategic planning committees this week, enabling development of DePaul's next strategic plan to move forward.
President A. Gabriel Esteban, Ph.D., selected membership from across DePaul to serve on four eight-member planning teams and an 18-member Strategic Planning Task Force.
The planning teams are charged with reviewing planning guidelines established by the Board of Trustees to recommend strategic goals and objectives in their respective focal areas:
- Mission/Student Experience
- Enrollment/Student Success
- Academic Programs/Faculty Development
- Financial Performance/DePaul's Sustainability
The task force will synthesize and prioritize the work of the teams and, with input from the university community, develop a draft plan for the president's review. The initial draft will be presented to the board at its March meeting. That draft will then be reworked with university input over the spring. A final plan will be taken to the board in May for its approval.
The Strategic Planning Task Force will host the following Town Halls this fall to solicit university input to the plan:
Session 1
Tuesday, Oct. 24
10 - 11:30 a.m.
Lincoln Park Student Center, room 314 A/B
Wednesday, Oct. 25
3:30 - 5 p.m.
Loop Campus 14 E. Jackson Blvd., room 806
Session 2
Wednesday, Nov. 15
10 - 11:30 a.m.
Loop Campus DePaul Center, room 8005
Thursday, Nov. 16
3:30 - 5 p.m.
Cortelyou Commons
Dr. Esteban notes that strategic planning is one of the most important exercises the university undertakes. "Whatever we do, we need to ask what is in the best interest of our students," he says.
The president has challenged the university community to think creatively beyond the six-year planning term and envision what DePaul could look like decades into the future. "I encourage everyone to bring their best ideas forward at these gatherings so we can take the necessary steps to achieve our vision for DePaul," he says.
Membership of each planning team and the task force is listed below.
Strategic Planning Task Force
Jay Braatz, Vice President for Planning, Office of the President, Chair
Bamshad Mobasher, Faculty Council President, Professor, School of Computing, CDM
Charles Snelling, Staff Council President, EEO Coordinator, OIDE
Michael Lynch, Student Government President, Student, CMN
Antonieta Fitzpatrick, Associate Director, New Student Programs, Student Affairs
Elissa Foster, Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director, Health Communication, CMN
Salma Ghanem Dean, CMN
David Kalsbeek, Senior Vice President, EMM
Jacqueline Lazú, Associate Professor, Modern Languages, Associate Dean, LAS
Joe Mikels, Associate Professor, Psychology, CSH
Elizabeth Ortiz, Vice President, OIDE
Ljubomir Perkovic, Professor, School of Computing, CDM
Lucy Rinehart, Associate Provost, Academic Affairs
Fr. Chris Robinson, Adjunct Faculty, Religious Studies, LAS
Angela Shahjahan, Senior Compensation Analyst, Human Resources
Sherri Sidler, Controller
Sonia Soltero, Associate Professor, Chair, Leadership, Language, and Curriculum, COE
Gene Zdziarski, Vice President, Student Affairs
Planning Team Alpha: Mission/Student Experience
Gene Zdziarski, Vice President, Student Affairs, Co-chair
Jacqueline Lazú, Associate Professor, Modern Languages, Associate Dean, LAS, Co-chair
Victoria Deiorio, Associate Professor, Head of Sound Design, TTS
Matthew Girson, Professor, Art, Media, and Design, LAS
Horace Hall, Associate Professor, Human Development, Counseling and Special Education, COE
Jill Hollembeak, Senior Associate Athletics Director, Athletics
Brenda Williams, Director, Career Experiences, Career Center
Delaney Morrison, Student, LAS
Planning Team Beta: Enrollment/Student Success
David Kalsbeek, Senior Vice President, EMM, Co-chair
Salma Ghanem, Dean, CMN, Co-chair
Michele Morano, Associate Professor and Chair, Writing and Publishing, LAS
Don Opitz, Associate Professor, Associate Dean, SNL
Martha Martinez-Firestone, Associate Professor, Sociology, LAS
Tonya Baez, Director, Internal Audit
Yesenia Sanchez-Giancola, Director, First Year Academic Success
Nahal Hashemian, Student, LAS
Planning Team Gamma: Academic Programs/Faculty Development
Lucy Rinehart, Associate Provost, Academic Affairs, Co-chair
Ljubomir Perkovic, Professor, School of Computing, CDM, Co-chair
Anna Souchuk, Associate Professor, Modern Languages, LAS
Suzanne Fogel, Associate Professor, Marketing, BUS
Hai Tran, Associate Professor, Journalism, CMN
Stephanie Halaska, Director, Office of Academic Advising Support
Megan Bernal, Associate University Librarian, University Library
Kendall Sprinkle, Student, CMN
Planning Team Delta: Financial Performance/DePaul's Sustainability
Sherri Sidler, Controller, Co-chair
Bamshad Mobasher, Faculty Council President, Professor, School of Computing, CDM, Co-chair
Damon Kiely, Associate Professor, Chair of Performance, Directing and Acting, TTS
Tom Mondschean, Professor, Economics, BUS
Kathryn Grant, Professor, Clinical Psychology, CSH
Tonya Harvey-McDonald, Operations Manager, IS
Kurtis Todd, Executive Assistant, Office of the Dean, CSH
Jack Evans, Student, BUS