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Fall Forum on Teaching and Learning

​​​​​​​​ Each year the Fall Forum on Teaching and Learning brings together faculty from across DePaul's colleges and schools to connect with one another and share strategies for teaching and learning. The Fall Forum kicks off the academic year with an event focused on pedagogy, complementing the annual Teaching and Learning Conference in the spring.

Fall Forum Archive

This year’s forum followed an “Unconference” format, which gave participants a central role in shaping the day’s events and outcomes.

Slides from Lightning Rounds

Participants' Takeaways

Photos and Video

Keynote Presentation: Terrell Strayhorn is Founder/CEO of Do Good Work Educational Consulting LLC and until recently was on the faculty at Ohio State University, where he also served as Director of the Center for Higher Education Enterprise (CHEE) and Founding Director of the Center for IDEAS within the College of Education and Human Ecology

Keynote Presentation: Edmund Hansen, author of Idea-Based Learning: A Course Design Proccess to Promote Conceptual Understanding, and the past director of Northeastern Illinois University’s Center for Teaching and Learning

The theme of 2015’s Fall Forum on Teaching and Learning—“Teaching Through Civic Engagement: Doing Good Well”—reflects the university’s core value of service to others and the oft-quoted exhortation from St. Vincent DePaul, “It is not enough to do good; it must be done well.”

Keynote Presentation: “Teaching Through Civic Engagement: Doing Good Well” by Barbara Jacoby, the Faculty Associate for Leadership and Community Service-Learning at the Adele H. Stamp Student Union – Center for Campus Life at the University of Maryland, College Park

Keynote Recording and Slides

Keynote Presentation: Creating a Campus Culture Where Every Student Graduates by David Laudethe Senior Vice Provost for Enrollment and Graduation Management and Department of Chemistry Distinguished Teaching Professor at the University of Texas at Austin

Keynote Presentation: Improving Student Learning through Scholarly Inquiry by Peggy Maki, author of Assessing for Learning: Building a Sustainable Commitment Across the Institution (Stylus, 2010)

Afternoon Workshop: Essential Steps in Problem-Based Inquiry into Student Learning

Keynote Presentation: Stephen Brookfield, a noted scholar in the field of adult education, focused on ways we can explore alternative perspectives in the classroom and shared teaching techniques that encourage creative and critical thinking by our students. 

Keynote Recording and Slides