Supplemental Instruction > Faculty Resources

Faculty Resources

The Supplemental Instruction program is designed to organize and improve the ways in which students prepare for their courses outside the classroom. SI first assigns an SI Leader to a course. The SI Leader then schedules and facilitates (2) 1-hour review sessions at times convenient to members of the class. During these sessions, the SI Leader uses active learning strategies that encourage involvement, comprehension, and synthesis of subject content.

Frequently Asked Questions

SI targets historically difficult courses (those with high D, F, or Withdraw rates).  In other words, the subject contains content that students consider to be challenging.  SI is designed to support faculty teaching and is assigned to a subject because of what is being taught, not because of the manner in which it is being taught.

SI is not intended to create additional work for faculty. You can support SI by allowing Leaders to make use of extra textbooks you may have, granting time for occasional in-class announcements, and being supportive of the program by encouraging students to take advantage of SI. We also encourage you to contact us with questions, feedback, or if you detect SI Leader performance issues. Additionally, we may be in contact with you about assisting in selecting and approving future SI Leader candidates for for your subject.

An SI Leader is a student who has demonstrated proficiency in a target subject and undergoes SI training. The SI Leader attends lectures to keep up with the subject content being presented and to model effective student practices and attitudes. Learn more about SI Leader Responsibilties.

Next Steps

  • Your SI Leader will be reaching out to connect with you prior to the start of the quarter.
  • Allow your leader to take five minutes of the first day of lecture to inform students about the SI program and review sessions.
  • Consider adding your leader as a TA to your D2L site, allowing them to email students about session details.
  • Provide information about SI in your syllabus. See Syllabus Sample Statement for a reference.

Interested in having an SI Leader for your course? Contact us at .

Over 90 percent of students who attended six or more SI sessions successfully completed their course.

SI Works! Graph: On average, over 90% of students who attended 6 or more SI sessions from 2013-2017 successfully completed their course. Successful completion is defined by SI as students who did not receive a D, F, or withdraw from the course.