DePaul University Newsline > Issue > May 29, 2020
May 29, 2020
Main Content
VOL. 53 NO. 34
From the President: The nation's grief... and our response
A. Gabriel Esteban, Ph.D. | May 29, 2020
In the past few weeks, we have witnessed the jarring violence of racism in images in the news and social media. These events cause grief, sadness, anger and frustration at our inability to conquer racism and protect our loved ones and our communities. In our grief, let us pledge to work for change, to seek reform and to hold each other accountable for taking a stand against injustice. Let us work to become instruments of peace.
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Faculty and staff: Share your congrats with the class of 2020
Rachel Wojnicki | May 29, 2020
As we come to the close of this remote spring quarter, Newsline would like to continue honoring this year's graduating class. Faculty and staff are invited to share a short note or take a selfie holding a congratulatory sign for the class of 2020.
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From telephone lines to WiFi: The beginnings of remote learning at DePaul
Brittan Nannenga | May 29, 2020
Long before DePaul shifted classes online this quarter due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the university was leading the way in remote instruction. In 1958, DePaul awarded one of the nation’s first "online" degrees to Edward J. Fiori, Jr., a student who attended all of his classes remotely.
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Faculty discuss 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage
Isabel Rejto and Russell Dorn | May 29, 2020
The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing women the right to vote was ratified by the states Aug. 18, 1920. During the 100th anniversary year of women's suffrage, DePaul faculty Christina Rivers and Amy Tyson sat down with Newsline to discuss the significance of the movement, its relevance today, and the work still left to be done.
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Wellness: An intuitive approach to body image
Katrina Wagner | May 29, 2020
While in quarantine, you have likely seen the social media posts or heard conversations about gaining weight or coming out of quarantine with a set of six-pack abs. How come it has to be either extreme? Either we look like a fitness model or look like we’ve gained what is being compared to as, "the freshmen 15 weight." Why can’t we strive to be healthy and allow everyone to define healthy for themselves?
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Reimagining vacation time
Office of Human Resources | May 29, 2020
It may seem strange to ask for time off when many of us are now at home all the time. However, the need for down time during the week is still needed. Although the university is in a remote operations mode, eligible employees are still accruing vacation time.
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