DePaul University Newsline > Sections > DeBuzz > Call for congratulatory notes

Faculty and staff: Share your congrats with the class of 2020

Congrats class of 2020
As we come to the close of this remote spring quarter, Newsline would like to continue honoring this year's graduating class. From shout outs to student groups to advice on post-college life, faculty and staff are invited to share a short note or take a selfie holding a congratulatory sign for the class of 2020. This is an opportunity for the DePaul community to come together to celebrate the great work from this year's graduating class.

Submissions will be shared in Newsline in the week leading up to the commencement ceremonies on June 13.

Fill out this form to submit your note or photo of congratulations. Submissions are subject to copy editing by Newsline staff.


  • Include your name and department;
  • Keep submissions to 50 words or less;
  • If including a photo, dimension must be 900px x 600px and 72dpi;
  • If including photo, horizontal images are preferred.

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