DePaul University Staff Council > Get Involved > Professional Development & Staff Leadership Opportunities

Professional Development & Staff Leadership Opportunities

Staff Council aims to help staff from across DePaul University get involved with potential leadership and professional development opportunities.  If you have a staff opportunity you would like to see posted here, please e-mail the details to

Opportunities with upcoming deadlines

The Office of New Student and Family Engagement (NSFE) is recruiting for Chicago Quarter Staff Professionals for Fall 2025.
Staff Professionals are an essential piece of the Chicago Quarter program (Discover and Explore). You may have seen Discover classes traveling through the city during Immersion Week, or you’ve seen groups of first-years with their Explore classes during fall quarter. As a Staff Professional, you will have the opportunity to support first-year students as they navigate their few first months in college. 
This role is open to staff members at the university (with limited spots available for graduate students). For more details, view the position description. Interested staff must attend an information session in order to apply (RSVP required via DeHub). Attending doesn't commit you to anything, so feel free to join if you're interested in learning more.
Questions? Email or call the Office of New Student and Family Engagement at 773-325-7360.

Ongoing opportunities

The Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity offers the BUILD Diversity Certificate, a professional development diversity certificate available to all DePaul staff and faculty.  The certificate program helps participants develop cultural competencies, offering the tools necessary for linking diversity to organizational and work performance, and connecting the university's Vincentian mission of dignity and respect for all individuals to our core operating business principles.

There is a Level 1 certifcate program, as well as an advanced Level 2 certificate.  Courses may also be taken individually for those who do not want to pursue the full certificate program.

Detailed information about certificate requirements, course descriptions, and schedules can be found on the BUILD website.

The Assessment Certificate Program (ACP) is a workshop-based program designed to provide training and support for faculty and staff engaged in the assessment of student learning.  This program is a collaboration between multiple departments at DePaul University and Loyola University Chicago.  To learn more about how to register and complete the certificate, visit the Assessment Certificate Program website.

Learn about the variety of certificate programs offered on the Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) website.  E-mail with any questions not answered on the website.

Connect with other DePaul parents and network on topics related to parenthood.  For more information, visit the DePaul Parent Connection website.

Learn about upcoming events and how to join on the DePaul Women's Network website.  E-mail with any questions not answered on the website.

The Division of Mission and Ministry has numerous opportunities available for staff, including:
  • Staff Mentor for Service Immersion Trips:  Service Immersion Trips are opportunities to travel to different cities over Winter and Spring Break and join communities in service and justice work.  Staff Mentors accompany students on winter and spring break service immersion trips and serve as a point of support to the group’s student leader.  Applications for Service Immersion Staff Mentors are ongoing.  E-mail for additional information.
  • Heritage Tours and Vincentian Mission Institute:  The Division of Mission and Ministry offers regular opportunities for members of the university community to deepen their understanding of the university’s patron, by participating in guided Vincentian Heritage study tours to locations in Paris and throughout France associated with the life and works of St. Vincent de Paul.
  • Lunch with Vincent: A quarterly lunch dialogue program designed to foster reflection and conversation on Vincentian spirituality and its practical application to our life and work, while also enabling DePaul faculty and staff to connect with one another from across the university in meaningful dialogue and interaction.  Review upcoming dates and RSVP details on the Lunch with Vincent website.
  • A Day with Vincent: This day-long retreat experience seeks to help participants find the time and space in the midst of their busy lives to reflect more deeply on Vincentian spirituality and mission and enable them to meet and engage with other DePaul faculty and staff from across the institution.  Information and registration details for upcoming workshops can be found on the A Day with Vincent website.  E-mail Tom Judge at with any questions.

Health Promotion and Wellness (HPW) provides holistic education, support, and resources for individuals to establish and sustain long-term, healthy behaviors, including hosting a number of trainings and workshops open to staff. View their events calendar here.

Staff are invited to use the Idea Realization Lab and attend Idea Realization Lab workshops at no cost. 

LinkedIn Learning is a resource available to DePaul staff looking to develop skills. Topics include Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, social media, web design, animation, photography, audio and video production, project management, leadership, marketing and communication, just to name a few.  DePaul employees and students have free unlimited access to a vast online library of instructional videos covering the latest software, creative and business skills.

Log In through the DePaul LinkedIn Learning Campus Portal using your BlueKey login credentials.  Take LinkedIn Learning everywhere you go with apps to stream or download courses for offline viewing. Download the LinkedIn Learning mobile app for iOS or Android.

  • Open the LinkedIn Learning app.
  • Select Sign in.
  • Select Organization Login.
  • When prompted for your organization's URL, type:
  • Log in using your BlueKey login credentials ( email address and password).
Offered during the Autumn Quarter, Chicago Quarter courses acquaint first-year students at DePaul with the metropolitan community, its neighborhoods, cultures, people, institutions, organizations and urban issues. Students also learn about university life, resources and how to be a successful student through the Common Hour portion of each Chicago Quarter course.
See the Chicago Quarter website for more details on how to become a Staff Professional.  Information sessions on how to become a Staff Professional are generally held throughout the month of February.  E-mail for more information on session dates and locations.

Staff who are currently managing (or planning to manage) student employees can pursue the Student Employment Manager Certification Program

Staff Council serves as the official liaison between staff and other university constituencies by advocating for staff, participating in shared governance, and engaging with staff about issues faced in the workplace.  Learn more about Staff Council, its upcoming meetings and events, and annual election information on the Staff Council website.

Did another staff member at the university do something stellar and you want to acknowledge their excellent performance? Submit a "Staff Shout-Out" form to celebrate them and simply acknowledge great work! There is no limit to how many times you can say "You are terrific at your job."

An email will be sent to your shout-out nominee. If you are unsure of the recipient's email, you can look them up in the Outlook directory.

Study Abroad has opportunities each year for staff to help lead short-term study abroad programs as a Staff Professional.  Staff Professionals partner with a faculty member to help teach class content through a Global Hour curriculum, then travel abroad with the group in a leadership role at the end of the quarter. 
  • FY@broad programs: FY@broad programs are short study abroad programs designed for first-year students, which combine travel with a Focal Point Seminar—a required course for most first-year students.  To apply to become a Staff Professional, go to the Staff Professional application page
  • Identities Abroad programs: Identities Abroad programs are short study abroad programs designed for, but not limited to, students of color, first generation students, and low-income students, which combine travel with a Seminar on Race, Power, and Resistance—a required course for most students.  To apply to become a Staff Professional, go to the Staff Professional application page.  

E-mail Scott Ozaroski at for additional information.

Information about values-centered leadership certification and training programs can be found on the Vincent on Leadership training website.  E-mail Pat Bombard at with any questions.

Learn about Workplace Learning training options on the Office of Human Resources Workplace Learning website.  E-mail with any questions not answered on the website.