(DePaul University/Jeff Carrion)
Established in 2018 with a yearly budget of $2 million, DePaul's Academic Growth and Innovation Fund aims to find, encourage and support innovative academic ideas that will have a positive impact on the university's revenue within the next three years. Full-time faculty and staff are welcome to submit proposals for the next round of the AGIF. Proposals are due by midnight on Monday, Feb. 15 for projects beginning July 1.
There are three types of funding available from the Academic Growth and Innovation Fund:
- Idea/concept generation: the maximum award is $25,000 for up to one year of funding
- Prototype/working model: the maximum award is $100,000 up to two years of funding
- Institutional adoption/commercialization: the maximum award is $300,000 up to three years of funding.
The requested level of funding should be reasonably commensurate with the proposed activities and with potential outcomes. Because the AGIF Program is focused on the goals of the strategic plan 2024, funding priority will be given to projects aligned with one or more of the strategic planning goals.
For more details, please access and read the program guidelines and application details document online. Other questions may be directed to academicinnovation@depaul.edu.