DePaul University Newsline > Sections > Campus and Community > Guidance on wearing masks in public

Guidance on wearing masks in public

COVID 19 update

While our DePaul community continues to respond to COVID-19, we want to take this opportunity to remind you of the recent guidance in Illinois' latest stay-at-home extension.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Gov. JB Pritzker has announced he will extend his statewide stay-at-home order to May 30. When venturing out for essential services, the governor also will require people older than 2 years of age to wear a face covering anytime they are unable to maintain a distance of 6 feet from others. More information is available on the Illinois Department of Public Health website.

First and foremost, this means you should continue to stay at home as much as possible. As the university announced last week, DePaul's employees should plan to work from home through at least June 12.

Second, please wear a face mask or bandana that snugly covers your nose and mouth to help prevent the spread of germs while in public, focusing on settings where you cannot maintain a 6-foot distance from others at all times. If it is absolutely necessary for you to come to DePaul's Loop or Lincoln Park Campuses, DePaul will expect you to wear your own face covering in the interest of maintaining a healthy environment.

Please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for information on making a face covering.

The City of Chicago has also launched a “Chicago Together! Make a Mask, Give a Mask, Wear a Mask." Campaign. Please visit the Citywide Cloth Mask Drive website for information on how to support this effort.

We sincerely hope you follow these guidelines to ensure your safety and the safety of others around you.