(DePaul University/Jamie Moncrief)
Congratulations to the faculty from the College of Education who recently achieved tenure or received a promotion.
Eva Patrikakou, promoted to full professor
Eva Patrikakou is a professor of special education at DePaul. She has done extensive research in parent involvement, for children with and without disabilities, and its effects on children’s academic, social, and emotional development. Beyond her larger accomplishments in the academic world, Patrikakou is most proud of her students’ success, sometimes against all odds, and their heartfelt thank-yous; the celebration of fruitful research projects; and the development of a new community program for kids and families.
Beverly Trezek, promoted to full professor
Beverly Trezek is a professor of special education at DePaul. Her research focuses on literacy instruction for beginning and struggling readers, with an emphasis on investigating the role phonemic awareness and phonics play in the development of literacy skills for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. She has more than 12 years of experience working as a special education teacher in the K-12 public school setting and as a literacy intervention consultant.
Chris Worthman, promoted to full professor
Chris Worthman is a professor of secondary English education and director of DePaul’s Secondary Education Program. His research interests include students’ in- and out-of school literacy practices and adult learners’ conceptualization and use of literacy. Of his accomplishments at DePaul, he is most proud of the teachers who graduate from the College of Education and their commitment to education and their students.