DePaul University Newsline > Sections > Campus and Community > Fast fashion contest winners

“What must be done: Confronting fast fashion” student t-shirt designs now available

DePaul t-shirt contest winners
Student Josh Miller, left, designed the shirt, “What Must Be Done," and student William Ngo designed the shirt, “Dignity for All," as part of the Division of Mission and Ministry's campaign to bring awareness to the issues of fast fashion. (Image courtesy of Liliane Calfee)
Earlier this year, DePaul’s Division of Mission and Ministry created a campaign to bring more awareness​ to the ethical implications of the fast fashion industry. Following a campus-wide t-shirt design contest, two winners were selected and their designs went to print. The shirts are now available for purchase in the DePaul campus bookstores and online (links below). 

Student Josh Miller designed the shirt, “What Must Be Done.” Student William Ngo designed the shirt, “Dignity for All.” Alta Gracia, the only collegiate apparel company that pays a living wage to its workers, prints the shirts. By purchasing these shirts, the campus community can support ethical practices in the clothing industry.

Learn more about "What Must Be Done: Confronting Fast Fashion" in the video below.
