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From the President: Just DePaul

Dr. Esteban
(DePaul University/Jeff Carrion)

Every year at this time, we experience a sense of collective relief and peace as we stop and think about the life and legacy of Vincent de Paul. Our contemporary decisions are still very much grounded in Vincent's mission—a mission we must reinterpret for our own times and challenges, just as those before us have done. On days like today, we are always invited to move from memory to commitment.

Last year, we had the opportunity to review our DePaul Mission Statement through a participatory process involving stakeholders at all levels. I would like to highlight one sentence from our new statement: "Through education and research, the university addresses the great questions of our day, promoting peaceful, just, and equitable solutions to social and environmental challenges."

Today, as we consider St. Vincent's legacy, I'm pleased to announce the creation of a new umbrella for reflection and action called "Just DePaul," an institution-wide focus hosted in our Division of Mission and Ministry. 

Just DePaul will advance the agenda of social and environmental justice so central to our mission. It will connect the university with today's Catholic tradition, as articulated by Pope Francis, with emphasis on synodality, solidarity, integral ecology, nonviolence and education grounded in human dignity.  Just DePaul is already affiliated with the DePaul Migration Collaborative, which is a partnership between the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and the College of Law. More possibilities are emerging frequently.  

During this St. Vincent de Paul Heritage Week, I invite our community to continue to interpret the meaning of Vincent's life and intuition. Respond to the challenges of our society today, especially those we are facing in an always-changing higher education landscape.  Let the Vincentian spirit continue to be the glue that brings us together, our common place, the place of our discernment, our mutual recognition and inspiration.  In this place, we are always invited to care for each other with compassion and personalism.  

Happy Feast Day.
