(DePaul University/Jeff Carrion)
St. Vincent de Paul taught us “love is inventive to infinity.” Love and hate cannot coexist, so there is no room for hate here. The university’s mission statement commits us to compassionately uphold the dignity of all members of our diverse, multi-faith, and inclusive community.
Our Catholic values call us to respect the humanity of every person.
Our Vincentian beliefs lead us to serve and care for others.
Our urban character compels us to work for equity and justice.
We reject hate, racism, and violence.
We support all who are part of our university community.
We affirm that hate has no home here.
Here, We Stand Together.
A. Gabriel Esteban, president
Salma Ghanem, interim provost
Sherri Sidler, interim executive vice president
Dan Allen, senior vice president, Advancement
Linda Blakley, vice president, University Marketing and Communications
Ronald Caltabiano, dean, School of Music
Rev. Guillermo Campuzano, C.M., vice president, Mission and Ministry
Peter Coffey, associate vice president, Community and Government Relations
John Culbert, dean, The Theatre School
Stephanie Dance-Barnes, dean, College of Science and Health
Thomas Donley, interim dean, Driehaus College of Business
Soumitra Ghosh, vice president, Enrollment Management
Alyssa Isberto, president, Student Government Association
Robert Janis, vice president, Facility Operations
Bob McCormick, vice president, Information Systems
David Miller, dean, College of Computing and Digital Media
Alexandra Murphy, acting dean, College of Communication
Elizabeth Ortiz, vice president, Institutional Diversity and Equity
Scott Paeth, president, Faculty Council
DeWayne Peevy, athletic director
Jennifer Rosato Perea, dean, College of Law
Liz Sanders, associate vice president, Institutional Research and Market Analytics
Stephanie Smith, vice president, Human Resources
Kathy Stieber, secretary, vice president and general counsel
Steve Stoute, vice president for strategic initiatives and chief of staff
Brian Sullivan, treasurer
Tatum Thomas, dean, School of Continuing and Professional Studies
Victoria Van Kirk Pride, president, Staff Council
Guillermo Vasquez de Velasco, dean, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Eugene Zdziarski, vice president, Student Affairs
Paul Zionts, dean, College of Education