DePaul University Newsline > Sections > Campus and Community > Creating a mask-friendly campus at DePaul

Creating a mask-friendly campus at DePaul

UMC mask zone

We recognize members of the DePaul community hold varying views on mask wearing. Some are wary of settings where masks are not required. Those who are immunocompromised or who live with people who are immunocompromised or with children who cannot yet receive vaccines may be fearful of working in mask-less settings.

With this in mind, DePaul will work to maintain a mask-friendly campus. Out of respect for one another and in the spirit of Take care DePaul, if you are joining a meeting or gathering and a participant asks you to wear a mask, please do so.

Print a Mask-Friendly Zone sign here​.

As the number COVID-19 cases continues to recede, mitigation steps are being eased as a result. We are learning to adjust to a new way of working together as we adjust to life in the persisting age of COVID-19.

DePaul will continue to monitor the pandemic spread as well as local and national public health guidance.  The university will update health and safety protocols as necessary.
