A vote to elect seven adjunct faculty members from five colleges and schools to the 2017-18 Workplace Environment Committee, or WEC, for adjunct faculty will take place Sept. 25 through Oct. 5.
The WEC's charge is to hear, report, and suggest resolutions for workplace issues affecting the lives of adjunct faculty members across the university, except for issues of academic policy and governance under the purview of Faculty Council and its Committee on Contingent Faculty.
The seven WEC members will be allocated as follows: one member each from the Driehaus College of Business, College of Computing and Digital Media, College of Law and The Theatre School, and two members for the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. Each will serve a two-year term.
There are a total of 14 adjunct faculty members serving on the WEC. The number of individuals from each college or school in a particular academic year is determined by the number of adjunct faculty in that college or school. For academic year 2017-18, each college or school has one member except for the Driehaus College of Business and the College of Science and Health, each of which have two members, and the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, which has three members.
The colleges or schools that are not holding elections this year have members who were elected to a two-year term last fall.
Any adjunct faculty member who taught at least six courses over the three-year period immediately preceding the current academic year (three courses in the last three years in the College of Law) and, as of the first day of Autumn Quarter, is teaching or is scheduled to teach in the current academic year was eligible to become a candidate.
The results of the online elections will be announced by mid-October. Adjunct faculty members will have the opportunity to review candidates' self-nomination forms online before voting.