DePaul University Newsline > Sections > Campus and Community > Fr. Joe Williams appointed Provincial Superior of the Congregation of the Mission Western Province

Fr. Joe Williams appointed Provincial Superior of the Congregation of the Mission Western Province

Father Joe Williams gives communion to a graduate
(Photo by Thomas Vangel/DePaul University)
This summer, the Congregation of the Mission Western Province elected Fr. Joseph Williams, C.M., to serve as Provincial Superior of the Congregation’s Western Province. Prior to his appointment, which began July 1, Fr. Williams served as pastor at St. Vincent de Paul Church. As Provincial Superior, Fr. Williams will also serve as a member of DePaul’s Board of Trustees and a Member of the Corporation. 

Ordained in 1987, the Kansas native has served in a variety of roles and ministries across the Midwest, including the priest chaplain for DePaul’s Catholic Campus Ministry. Fr. Williams also served as Assistant Provincial from 2013-20. In 2021, he became pastor at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Lincoln Park. 

In this Q&A, Fr. Williams shares his thoughts about his time on DePaul’s campus and his plans for his new role. 

What effect does having a parish connected to a university campus have on the broader community? 

I was fortunate to experience the DePaul community as a chaplain in Catholic Campus Ministry. Serving the larger Lincoln Park community as a pastor was such a gift. Having seen the relationship between the university and the parish from both sides, I know it is strong, dynamic and contributes to the area’s Catholic identity.  

During my time as pastor, I came to more deeply appreciate university events that connect the two entities, such as Baccalaureate Mass, Academic Convocation, Christmas at DePaul and even award ceremonies hosted by various campus groups. The events may seem standard to some, but to have the church as an integral part of these moments for DePaul is valuable in building real relationships with the broader community. 

You’ve held various roles since joining the Congregation of the Mission. What are some of your fondest memories from your service? 

The last time I served in Chicago, I was Superior of a local house where elderly Vincentians lived. It was ‘internal’ work, so not many people are aware of that role. But it was very significant to me. I had the privilege of caring for these men during some of the last years of their lives. It was a growing experience, and I found so much value in that.  

What are your plans as the new Provincial Superior of the Congregation of the Mission Western Province? 

My role and responsibility are now much larger than before. I oversee Vincentians from the Mississippi River to the West Coast. In these beginning stages, one focus will be taking time to meet with and talk to my Vincentian brothers within the Province. I want to hear from them, see how they’re doing and strengthen our relationships. 

The other notion I’m still trying to wrap my head around is that we Vincentians are aging and beginning to diminish in numbers. So how can we, in our aging process, continue to share and spread the mission of St. Vincent de Paul? I’m asking myself and others that vital question: ‘What must be done?’ 

DePaul University does that very well – asking and answering that question, sharing the mission and making it live. I’m very much looking forward to working closely and creatively with the campus community in striving to keep St. Vincent de Paul’s mission alive.