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Kimberlie Goldsberry named interim vice president for Student Affairs


Kimberlie Goldsberry smiling with hands folded
Kimberlie Goldsberry will become interim vice president for Student Affairs effective Jan. 2, 2025. (Photo by Jeff Carrion/DePaul University)

DePaul University Provost Salma Ghanem has named Kimberlie Goldsberry interim vice president for Student Affairs effective Jan. 2, 2025, when current Vice President Eugene L. Zdziarski, II, retires. Goldsberry currently serves as associate vice president for Student Affairs, a position she has held since June 2022. 

“Kimberlie has served DePaul students well since she came to us in 2022,” Ghanem says. “I am confident that she will continue to put students and student success first during this time of transition.”

As associate vice president, Goldsberry has provided leadership for areas across Student Affairs, including the Center for Students with Disabilities, Dean of Students Office, Health Promotion and Wellness, Office of Gender Equity, University Counseling and Psychological Services, and Veteran Services. Prior to DePaul she was vice president of Student Affairs and dean of students at Carthage College from 2016-2022. She served as dean of students and then interim vice president of Student Affairs at Ohio Wesleyan University from 2009-2016.

“Working with Kimberlie has been truly rewarding,” Zdziarski says. “Since she arrived two years ago, the university has benefited from Kimberlie’s leadership and expertise. I know the Division of Student Affairs and the DePaul community will be in very good hands.” 

Her knowledge and experience were developed over a more than 30-year career in Student Affairs. Most recently, at Carthage, she founded the Office of Equity and Inclusion and launched three major programs: Luther’s Lunchbox (a supplemental food assistance program), a First in the Family Pre-Orientation program to serve first-generation college students, and the Carthage Academic Achievement Program to support first-year students on probation. She also implemented bystander intervention training and led the design and construction of an ASID Design-winning residential hall, among many other accomplishments at Carthage and elsewhere.

“I am honored to be asked to serve DePaul University and our students as the interim vice president for Student Affairs. Veep Gene will be missed, and I will work hard to fill his shoes,” Goldsberry says. “My short time at DePaul has been full of exciting opportunities to serve and support students in the Vincentian mission and I look forward to doing even more.”

Beyond her student affairs work experience, Goldsberry has been heavily engaged with the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. Most recently she served as NASPA IV-East Region director from 2015-17, a member of the NASPA Board of Directors from 2015-17, co-chair of the NASPA IV East Senior Student Affairs Professional Track at the regional conferences in 2017 and 2018, and a member of the NASPA IV East Mentoring Programs Committee from 2021-22.

“I want to thank Gene for his commitment to our students and his many contributions to DePaul during his ten years as vice president,” Ghanem says. “While DePaul will miss him, I wish him all the best as he enters his well-deserved retirement.”