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Navigating from the Navy to a business career

​​​​​​​​​​​Matthew is standing by the plants

Matthew is a Navy Veteran; will be graduating with a Business Administration major (Photo by Keeton Holder/DePaul University).

Matthew Kreml, School of Continuing and Professional Studies  
Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Professional Studies with a major in Business Administration  
Hometown: San Diego, California

What is your favorite memory of your time at DePaul?  

I took a jazz history class with Joseph Cunniff at the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. We attended a live jazz performance at a club in the Loop, took notes on the songs and artists and discussed them with him. It was one of my favorite experiences because I got to explore the city, meet classmates and enjoy music for a class assignment.  

What are​ you going​ to do next once you graduate?  

I am trying to get into supply chains and purchasing. I would love to stay local. I love living here, so hopefully, I can find a career in Chicago.  

Could you share your experience from your time in the military, and would you recommend this path to other students?  

I believe the military has its benefits and can be useful for students. I was a member of the United States Navy as a SONAR technician ​on submarines, which helped me gain discipline and self-control. I recommend it to students if they think it could be advantageous. Instead of speaking with a recruiter, they should talk to the veteran community, either through the Department of Veterans Affairs or veteran classmates.  

What advice do you have for incoming students?  

The first piece of advice I received in the military was that no one cares about your career as much as you do. You need to be proactive and take charge of your path because no one will do it for you. This responsibility can be daunting, but it's essential for success. The School of Continuing and Professional Studies helped me along my career path by providing professors currently working in their fields and offering practical insights and guidance.  ​