St. Vincent de Paul Circle on the Lincoln Park campus. (DePaul University/Jeff Carrion)
Several DePaul faculty members were awarded grants and funds recently to support critical research and programs. The faculty members represented six colleges, and the awards ranged from $8,000 to $340,000. Read on to learn more.
Sioban Albiol of the College of Law was awarded $75,000 by the Lawyer’s Trust Fund of Illinois to fund the work of DePaul’s Asylum and Immigration Law Clinic (AILC) from January to December 2023. With the funds, AILC will continue to engage immigrant-serving nonprofits CBO partner staff to meet the challenges of a growing immigrant advocacy community and ensure the legal resources project is fully staffed. This will allow AILC to respond to the growing number of immigration legal staff and growing number of nonprofits entering the field.
Megan Alderden of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences was awarded $75,000 by the United States Department of Justice to fund the provision of evaluation services on the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership's Road Home Reentry Initiative grant. The Road Home Reentry Initiative serves to be the region’s response to the difficult realities presented when people exit incarceration. The program aims to implement the foundations of a coordinated reentry system by convening one of the most comprehensive reentry stakeholder bodies in the region.
Michael Cadilhac of the Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media was awarded $10,600 by the National Science Foundation to provide full or partial support for approximately 10 students to attend the Eight Logic Mentoring Workshop (LMW), co-located with Computer Science Logic 2023, in Warsaw, Poland in February 2023. Computer Science Logic is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic and one of the premier conferences in logic in computer science.
Stefanie Demetriades of the College of Communication was awarded $8,333 by the Chicago Center for Diabetes Translation Research to fund a project exploring the improvement of prediabetes awareness and risk communication among Latino adults. The project period is June 2022 to May 2023, and seeks to establish that Vicarious Affirmation (VA), through empowering messages, makes subsequent information detailing the risks associated with prediabetes, the importance of screening and lifestyle adjustments, both less threatening and more effective.
Leonard Jason of the College of Science and Health was awarded $61,007 by the National Institutes of Health for a project with the Public Health Institute on mentoring early-stage investigators conducting research on topics such as recovery housing for individuals treated with medications for opioid use disorders, how recovery housing addresses the needs of individuals receiving medications for opioid use disorders (MOUD), and potential barriers to accessing recovery housing among individuals receiving MOUD. The project spans from September 2022 to August 2023.
Maija Renko of the College of Business was awarded $35,000 by the Coleman Foundation for a project that explores how business service organizations (BSOs) are contributing to the success of the entrepreneurs and small businesses they assist. The Coleman Foundation is a private grantmaking foundation that invests in ideas and initiatives that improve Chicagoans’ lives. The project period is January through March 2023.
Margaret Storey and Euan Hague of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences were awarded $340,000 by the Julian Grace Foundation to fund teams of faculty, student and external partners to pursue cutting edge research as part of DePaul’s Urban Collaborative (UC). The funds cover the period of January 2023 to June 2025. Community Project-Based Learning Internship Scholarships and the Student Urban Research Corps offer real-world experiences to build essential skills to make students more marketable graduates and financial support allows students to pursue meaningful projects otherwise off-limits due to limited resources.