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DePaul posts a record fundraising year

Generous donors contribute $93 million in fiscal year 2021

Promotional photo for Now We Must

Central to the DePaul community is the Vincentian question, "What must be done?" The tremendous challenge posed by the COVID-19 pandemic only made the worldwide DePaul community more eager to come together to respond to urgent student needs. The result was a record-shattering fundraising total of $93 million for fiscal year 2021 (July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021), the highest single-year total in university history.

"The 2020–21 academic year was extremely challenging for our students. In this time of tremendous uncertainty, our community of alumni, donors, faculty and staff came together to help students overcome obstacles, persevere and continue their education. We are deeply grateful for their selfless generosity," says DePaul President A. Gabriel Esteban.

During the pandemic, many students struggled economically and emotionally, and without in-person access to their instructors, mentors and peers. In response, the university launched the $60 million fundraising campaign titled "Now We Must: The Campaign for DePaul's Students." Gifts from this effort supported student scholarships, emergency financial assistance, technology access, and mental health and career resources needed to keep students on track toward their degrees.

"DePaul rallied and stepped forward as a community to support our students," says Daniel J. Allen, senior vice president of advancement and external relations. "When faced with unparalleled challenges, our community of donors, alumni, faculty and staff lean in. We don't shy away from a challenge. Coming together to post a record-breaking fundraising year of $93 million is evidence of that."

This fall, DePaul looks forward to welcoming students back to campus and hearing the reassuring hum of college life. University fundraising efforts will continue to be ambitious in support of our students and university community.