(Graphic courtesy of Health Promotion and Wellness)Staying at home is the most important thing we all need to do right now. Despite feeling bored and wanting to be outside or with our friends and family, staying home will help keep ourselves and everyone safe. To stay connected and promote staying at home, have some fun with Health Promotion and Wellness's "Stay Home" campaign on Instagram.
What are you doing to stay entertained at home? Maybe you’ve tried out new recipes, finally gotten around to organizing your closet, taken up that new hobby you’ve always planned to, or you’re just enjoying spending time with your pets. Share what you’ve been up to on Instagram Stories — using the new DePaul "Stay Home" sticker on your photos/videos. You can find the sticker by searching "DePaul" in the Instagram GIF sticker library. Tag @depaulu and we’ll repost to help spread the "Stay Home" message to the DePaul community.*
*Please note that your Instagram profile needs to be set to public for us to see and reshare your posts. You can also friend @healthydepaul and we can share your selfie and story as well.